yes I found that out when I bought a brand new HDTV that had the worst sound I've ever heard had to turn it up almost full blast to hear, no I was not getting true 1080P sound from my CABLE so I switch to someone else and when I did get true 1080P sound was amazing how much better it sounded so ya it does not come as a surprise that that 3.0 new modem that I just paid what close to $200 less than 2 years ago wont work with the Gigablast, any clue as to how MUCH the new modem are going to set us back and then a new router when they become available. I mean why have 100MBPS if you are not using it at full capacity right, I don't see them handing them out for free selling or renting at a monthly rate on top of a already over priced bill. for use older customer who don't get new customer rates because we have been around to long, and have to leave and go somewhere else for 2 year then come back. which Is the shortest contract length unless of course you are willing to pay $300 to beak it