Forum Discussion

Mitchella's avatar
New Contributor
3 months ago

Not receiving verification code emails new Yahoo mail

After transitioning to yahoo mail, Social verification emails are not received on the web nor my desktop app.  Yahoo tech blamed the government, while I think the SSA probably could tell the .cox was funneled into a yahoo or something.  It also happened I didn't receive an employers verification code, so not a single sender.  It was all smooth when it was only  Any help figuring this out would be great, I have seen other threads on the web about this exact issue but no resolution yet.


9 Replies

  • CurtB's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Go into a local Social Security Administration office to get what you need.  Be sure to take proper identification.  Then change to a Gmail account for future SSA correspondence.

  • I blame COX. You got us into this mess, FIX IT!  If I could get into my SSA account, I could change the e-mail address to something other than, but in order to get into my account, they send a Security Code e-mail to, which the new Yahoo e-mail account won't post. Not in Spam folder, not in Trash folder, not in any folder. No indication that a security code e-mail was ever sent or received. Nothing. No way for me to log into SSA and change to a non Yahoo/ e-mail address. COX decided to go this route, and now I can't get security codes. FIX THIS!

  • CurtB's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    The missing emails could be in either your "Spam" or "Trash" folder.  If you don't see these folders in Yahoo!mail, click the button.   You need to open those folders to check for new email because Yahoo doesn't indicate unread messages in them. 

    • dlkimbro's avatar
      New Contributor

      Tried still didn’t get it. I even tried their filters to allow anything that has a .gov in the domain. Got nothing. If anyone else is getting email thru yahoo from the social security please let us know how. Thanks 

      • NicholeC's avatar

        Hi dlkimbro,



        I'm sorry that you're not receiving from a specific sender. You may consider reporting the issue to Yahoo's support team so they look into any issues with the domain or filters. I apologize for the trouble.

  • dlkimbro's avatar
    New Contributor

    I have the same issue and the cox rep says it’s SS fault . That is BS. Cox get this fixed!

    • Becky's avatar

      Hi Mitchella and Dlkimbro, I'd be distressed if I wasn't able to receive my necessary verification emails, and I apologize this has been happening since your addresses transitioned to Yahoo. I understand the importance of utilizing two-step verification when accessing your accounts! Have you checked your Spam and Trash folders to see if mail is being misidentified? Also, be sure to add the social email address to your saved Contact list. Yahoo Support has additional suggestions:;_ylt=AwrihfMcYIRmTAQAWXVXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny. Also, follow the steps on this page and send yourself a test email to see if you receive an error message or a bounceback email that includes a failed delivery message and error number. 


  • patti_rose's avatar
    New Contributor III

    This whole transition from Cox to Yahoo is a mess.  I'd suggest, at least for now, getting an email address via Gmail, and use that address for your SS and other employer's codes.  We switched everything over to Gmail, and it's so efficient!  I'm getting all my verification codes just fine, including my bank.