Forum Discussion

onispop's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Webmail - Vanished (Deleted) Inbox emails

I am writing this on behalf of my daughter (also a Cox Customer).

While in Webmail, she selected and deleted 40 emails from her Inbox. Immediately she noticed that all emails from her Inbox had disappeared.

- She immediately called Cox Support.

- She was told that all e-mails were moved to her Trash folder, she should access her Trash folder and move all emails back to her Inbox folder.

- She did that; however only, e-mails from 05/22/2021 to date were retrieved.

- She called Cox Support, the associate tried but could not help her. In the end, he advised to obtain support via Cox Complete Care.

My question is will Cox Complete Care have access to Cox mail servers and thus be able to retrieve her e-mails?

Best Regards.

9 Replies

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  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    emails deleted in webmail/imap, will not be delivered to inbox of 3rd party client.

    • onispop's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for your response.

      Can you elaborate on the "delivered to inbox of 3rd party client" terminology? .

      I am asking if the "deleted" e-mails from her Cox Inbox folder can be recovered

      (put back into her Inbox folder)..

      Are you saying that Cox Complete Care is a third party entity?

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        i use outlook as 3rd party pop3 email client for cox email.



  • In Cox web mail, check whether "Settings ==> Inbox ==> Common ==> Permanently remove deleted emails" is checked. If it is checked, then that is what happened to her emails.

    • onispop's avatar
      New Contributor

      The check-box for 'Permanently remove deleted emails' is not

      I spoke this morning to a person in Cox Support who then
      transferred me to Tier 2 Cox Support. The answer I got was
      'sorry that she lost all her Inbox emails' but there is
      nothing we can do.

      Hard to believe that a company that should have a dedicated
      department to administer their servers does not have backup
      servers that can be accessed to recreate deleted items.

      Very disappointed as having worked on an IT environment for
      a significant numbers of years, I know that backup servers
      are a "must". Cox policies should be more transparent i.e.
      we do not retrieve delete emails because it is too expensive
      in lieu of stating that it can not be done.

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        deleted emails are deleted emails, so you're saying a dedicated server should be setup for folks who delete emails??