Forum Discussion

vlkinva's avatar
New Contributor III
7 years ago

About the new "improved" email

I didn't like the previous email version and I have complaints about this "improved" version too.

1) Can I get rid of the spam folder as I did in last version? Cox sends numerous emails to my spam folder that aren't spam especially from my friends and the subject isn't anything spam. I don't check spam as often as my inbox. I am also not going to click each email and say it's not spam. I don't want a spam folder.

2) I also want pages back. I was able to delete many emails when there were pages. Now if I click Select All it checks EVERY email in my inbox. I admit I get a lot of emails that I don't want. Having pages made it easier to delete many at one time.

3) I also want to be able to put the emails in order by who they are from. This was another way for me to delete a lot of emails easily.  I get lots of emails from facebook for example. If I hadn't checked my emails in 1 or 2 days I have lots from facebook. If I can put in order by who the emails are from I can delete lots of facebook emails quickly. Now I have to check one email at a time. Frustrating!

If anyone can reply to my complaints/questions I'd appreciate it. Thank you

There are some things I do like about this new version. 

1) Finally I can forward an email with graphics in it. I didn't even have access to enhanced emails on last version.

2) I like that I don't have to keep logging in. That was very annoying since no one else uses my computer.

  • Hi vlkinva,

    The Spam folder is not able to be removed, however, you can change the Spam Settings to 'No Spam Filtering'. Also, to organize how the emails are grouped, you may view your inbox and click on 'Sort By' and change how the emails are viewed/sorted to 'from'. This may help you in deleting emails from a particular sender quickly. I can share your feedback about the new email platform.

  • vlkinva's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I just checked Spam settings and it WAS set on No Spam Filter. I am still getting emails to my spam folder that shouldn't go there such as from personal friends and subject isn't spam related.

    I also do not see the Sort By option as I had on previous version.  Where exactly is it?

    Thank you 

    Thank you

  • Hi vlkinva,

    Sort by can be found on with your inbox selected. Below 'Compose', you'll find 'Sort by' located to the right of 'Select All'. When Sort by is clicked, you can organize by Date, From, Unread, Size, Subject, Color, Ascending, Descending, and Conversations.

    Do you see or have any filter rules established in your settings?

  • vlkinva's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Thanks Dustin. I found the "sort by" option. It seems I completely missed seeing it before. I thought the "sort by" option would've been under the view button. 

    The sort by option will help me a lot but I still wish there were pages. With pages I could select all messages and not actually be selecting EVERY message but only ones on that page. Now select all means EXACTLY that- SELECT ALL. If I have a lot of emails I have to scroll and scroll to be sure I don't delete ones I want. So much easier to do in old version.

    Thanks for helping me find the sort by button! 

  • vlkinva,

    I'll share your feedback about interest in an option to view pages on, as this is not a setting you can change at this time.