Forum Discussion

JeffinLouisiana's avatar
3 years ago

Anybody get this message?

Increased internet traffic - During certain times of the day, increased network activity in your area may impact service performance. We know that’s frustrating. Rest assured, our engineers are working to fix this issue.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Seems like stop over-selling the nodes would work.

    • JeffinLouisiana's avatar

      They've been doing a lot of work in my area for the last 5 days.   Noise mitigation.    There is always a big smile on my face when I see bucket trucks in my area.   😃    That shows a lot of progress.    I'd love to get a job being in cable plant maintainence, but I'm too old of a dog  to learn new tricks. 👍

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        Bucket trucks?  Cox still nailing cable to trees down there?  Back in the day, we ran lots of cable indoors and it wasn't any picnic.  Very dusty work.  I've spent too much time on the flightline for any more outdoor work.