There is a known, random, issue with this eMTA (ARRIS TM3402A) it's a Voltage Bug in the Intel chipset. Just swap it out at the Cox store for another one, just make sure its brand new and not a refurbished one.. Luckily, I have only had to replace mine once in the last few years. Constant DHCP issues obtaining an IP Address from the CMTS, once the issues arise.
On the customer side it appears as a dead WAN Port or a bad router, Rebooting the modem often does not help. You can often re-acquire an IP Address by connecting the modem to a different MAC Address, either a different router or the PC directly, and then move it back to the original router, but that solution is very temporary.
I don't know if the latest Firmware Update includes a fix or not. Mine is as follows:
Firmware Name: TS11.02.095_030921_711.PC20.03.X1
Firmware Build Time: Tue Mar 9 18:50:24 EST 2021