Forum Discussion

Jay_in_AZ's avatar
New Contributor III
7 years ago

Cannot access Cox Webmail most of the time

Seems like the google search for a resolution to webmail problems was locked but never resolved. The webmail problem for the past several months has been either site not found or IF the webmail page loads all the control button are unreadable with lines and garbage to the left. The font is funky too. I've tried chat line and was asked to try a different browser. WHY? IE has worked for many years and COX webmail is the ONLY site that doesn't load. The COX billing page pops up just fine as do the sales and upgrade pages. Hmmmm. Every single one of my saved sites work just fine. I have cleared cache and cookies. I have rebooted. Nothing seems to work. I have looked at sites that "ping" the COX webmail and they cannot get responses and conclude that webmail server is down. Contacting COX has been useless. Basically I have been inasmuch told that their system is fine and it must be my equipment. Funny how every other site I visit works just fine. Also funny that their website doesn't show any contact information. Again funny that they cannot (or will not accept a screenshot of what I see on the computer screen. Another Hmmmm. I run Windows Premium 7and IE 11. When I ask what on earth did they change, I get nothing out of them. I certainly didn't change anything. I ask them if there is a store I can bring my laptop to so they could get it working. Nope. So what's up COX? What did you change 12 months ago and more important; What did you change last week?

  • I have had problems getting connected to the webmail servers when I use Windows 10 Edge and I have also noticed that when I check the box on the logon screen to remember my user id... it never does.


    As a test I downloaded Chrome and have had no problems when I use it to access webmail.  I'm thinking that their 'new and improved email application' has not been tested using EDGE. As a former developer I know it is a pain to coexist the various browsers and I hope that they will look into the problems from this standpoint.

    As a workaround to your issues I suggest giving Chrome a try.

  • jnorris19's avatar
    7 years ago

    I have had exactly the problems with Cox E-mail described here for several months. I started out with Chrome and finally switched to Edge. E-mail worked fine for about a week. I thought problem solved, not so however. It's like the Cox gremlin took a week to find me. Now It's back to frustration.

    I've been a Cox customer for many years. They used to be a wonderful company. Not so much anymore. Appears to me they are circling the drain. 

  • Spoke too soon. Back to saying "This page can't be displayed" yada, yada, yada.

  • The computer doesn't crash. Resetting gateway is a path to greater headaches. COX Webmail is ONLY site that doesn't load. It worked fine yesterday for a brief period but not this morning. I have not downloaded any new programs in ages so interference between programs should not be happening. Personally I think it's not a problem on my end because there are way too many others experiencing the same problems I am.