Forum Discussion

samcr12's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Cox email format **!

Do I just need to change providers to be able to use the email accounts I pay for? Your new format is worthless, unstable, non-functioning 2/3 of the time and the spam filters might as well be non-existent. Once again you tried to fix something that worked as it should. The old format worked so you had to mess with it. I have been a loyal customer for over 20 years but you continue to raise the price and reduce the service. Get your *** together SOON or I am out of here!!!! 

  • The email has always been paralyzingly slow- particularly moving emails from folder to folder- a necessity to delete... as one does not have the option to delete from any fold except "trash".  Every time I'm stuck sitting while the "refresh" icon spins and spins and spins and spins Cox is giving its paying customers the middle finger since the issue was brought to light months ago when we were "migrated" to the new format.  We have our answer... *** it up.

  • agentorange's avatar
    New Contributor II

    My major gripe is that I cannot find a way to open several emails at once and switch between them.

  • i was informed, when i called to demand some sort of credit one really bad month, that since they "don't charge" for's just an annoyance they provide for credit would be given. yeah, right.  the cost of providing email is not factored into the price of internet service. that's their business model.....??