Forum Discussion

Ryan_Kelly's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Lifting Data Cap Covid-19

I'm curious if Cox will follow in the footsteps of AT&T and Comcast in removing the data cap limit during the outbreak. 

I work for Hartford Healthcare in CT, and more folks like myself are starting to work from home during the outbreak, and with my ability to remotely monitor our hospital's systems via VPN, I'll burn through my limit fairly quickly. 

Cox? This seems like an easy PR win.

27 Replies

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  • Mr_Gillen's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I logged in to post this same question. I would very much like a response. 

  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    it's not really a cox issue, are you working on commission or salaried?

    • LF-Rio's avatar
      New Contributor

      No.  It is a Cox issue.  These are only charged is places where a monopoly is held by the carrier.  Already a lack of competition issue.  Now a lack of compassion issue. The solution is to complain to the FCC on the first one.  

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      That's true.  Money saved on gas, childcare, dry cleaning...taking a shower in the AM...etc would be more than removing data caps.

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        Are overalls a suit?  😆

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Deduct the fee for exceeding your Data Caps as a business expense.

  • nurse's avatar
    New Contributor

    Yeah, Cox actually do something to help the customer and take money they didn’t earn? That will be the day! But in all honesty it would be nice if they would do like the rest of the ISP’s and take away the data cap for the for the time being.