Forum Discussion

Conniege74's avatar
4 hours ago

Losing internet

Every day around afternoon time my internet goes out, this has been happening since the major outage a few months ago. It don’t matter how many times I reset the router, it really don’t help at all. It’ll take 15-20 minutes to get back to normal n after that it will work just for the rest of the day but it’s just so annoying n so predictable n the message system that Cox has it doesn’t work either, every time I tried sending them a message I get the not delivered response!  Is this happening to anybody else?

  • Conniege74, I am sorry this has been your experience with your service. We want to help. Please send us an email to Cox.Help@Cox.Com with your full name, address and link to this forum for assistance. 

  • Every day, I think it’s time to start an appeal process with the attorney general or start some sort of class action lawsuit as they have monopolized most areas around me and I have no other option but to use them. Cox support is totally useless!

    • SharielH's avatar

      Merlin1995 we want to help. Please send us an email as well to Cox.Help@Cox.Com with your full name, address and link to this forum for assistance.