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kjmeyer's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

manual port forwarding in Panoramic gateway

I just bounced from Cox Tier 2 support -> Cox Internet Tech Dept -> Cox Complete Care -> Cox Customer Escalation Support and none of them really had a clue. I want to enable remote access to my TabloTV (it's an over the air TV tuner with DVR) via the Tablo app when we are away from home. I did this quite easily with the Netgear modem that we recently replaced with this new Panoramic gateway. But the port forwarding area in the Cox WiFi app is not intuitively set up to do this pairing. I have tried every combination I can think of with no success. I simply want to accomplish this...

Public Port ---> Private Port

21685 ---------> 8887

21684 ---------> 80

If anyone from Cox or a fellow customer has had success, please advise how to do this. Thanks.

  • kjmeyer's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Resolved. After trying a few other iterations last night, on a whim I unchecked the option in the TabloTV web app for "remote access" then rechecked it. Fixed. "Your Tablo is ready for remote access." Apparently my Tablo account was still looking in the Cox Panoramic for the port manual forwarding commands I had set in my previous Netgear modem. Resetting that must have then triggered automatic port forwarding in the Panoramic gateway. Manual port forwarding in the Panoramic may still be a bone of contention in some scenarios, but not with TabloTV remote access. Clearing that last hiccup, so far I am satisfied with the new white Cox Panoramic gateway. Thank you for your input. My apologies for burning your time with what amounted to a basic "reboot" sort of fix.

    • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      So UPnP solved the problem? I assumed manual forwarding was required. Good solution!

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      No prob, enjoy trying to help, especially now that I am not on the Cox Payroll and have to use Solution Center, the most useless piece of software I have ever run across. 

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Incoming port 80 will be blocked like WMO has stated.

    However, incoming port 21684 shouldn't be blocked and sending that port, to port 80 should work. Using the pano app you should be able to setup the port forwarding. Tier 2 won't assist with port forwarding, since it is considered to be outside the normal scope of support. You will need to pay for Cox Complete Care, and speed to someone in the CCC group for assistance in Port Forwarding. That being said.

    • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      Looks like the issue is there is no way to set a private port range with the Panoramic system. Everything sets the public range. Good video though.

      Who is CCC by the way? Are they Cox employees or outsourced? I know Cox used to have Cox Tech Solutions(CTS) before it was outsourced to Plumchoice and that was a disaster. Is CCC any good?

      • Darkatt's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        Cox Complete Care, (CCC), is a third party group, used to be Plum Choice, then something else. Quite frankly, I found them useless, with far less knowledge than most Tier 1 agents.....

    • kjmeyer's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I'm subscribed to Complete Care. That rep (the third one in this call sequence) couldn't help and moved me on to the Escalation Support rep. Also no help. Other forums I've spotted seem to indicate this relatively simple maneuver used to be doable when the port forwarding section was still available when signing into the gateway via IP address. But it's only via the mobile app now, and here I sit...stuck.

    • kjmeyer's avatar
      New Contributor II

      So the fellow in this Youtube video is accessing a web version of what I see in the app. See how he enters a port number then the protocol? That's exactly what I see in the mobile app. So, in my case, is that suggesting I would simply enter the four ports I've listed above and the protocol (TCP is what Tablo states)? Because I've tried that, and it didn't work.

      • Darkatt's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        That's the best I can tell you. I don't have a current pano modem so I cannot open the app and test anything out. Sorry... 😞

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    They might block the gateway from forwarding port 80 since it is a blocked port on Cox Resi network. However the other forward should work but port forwarding has been hit or miss since they put it in the cloud. Does other remote features work like logging into the app to reset your modem/gateway? If you can't get it to work I suggest buying your own separate router and modem, or at least bridge the modem and buy your own router.

    • kjmeyer's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Yes, remote features of the app are all working. I can restart the gateway, manage/rename devices, etc. The port forwarding section is just laid out differently than I've used before. I can't "match up" a public port to a private port. You just enter a single port number and specify the protocol for that port. You can enter as many single ports as you want. But I can't understand how to specifically match external port 21685 to internal port 8887 and 21684 to 80.