Forum Discussion

Specs7's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Modem Address

I want my modem to stop broadcasting my SSID but I can't find the modem address.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Network security is like a physical security.  No matter what you do to secure your house, a sophisticated bugler will eventually break in.  Given the luxury of time, they'll find a way.  Does that mean you should make it easy for the bugler?  No.

    Effective Network Security is layers of protection:  Eliminating Default Settings...SSID Masking...MAC ID Filtering...Static IP Addresses...Limited Connections...Time Schedules...Strong/Unique Passwords, etc

    Will SSID Masking solely stop an intruder?  No.  Combined with other layers, however, will require more time and the intruder will eventually give up to find a more vulnerable network.

    "Causing connectivity issues" is a good thing.  Functionality is the enemy of security.  If a friend or family member INSIDE your house can't even connect without your permission, you should beam with pride.

    Chapter 8 of the manual mentions turning off Broadcast SSID, so it may be an option somewhere on your gateway.