Forum Discussion

rutlandn's avatar
New Contributor II
5 years ago

SB6200 will not connect

Customer since 1995. Bought brand new Arris SB8200.  Got it provisioned and support says it connects.  On laptop directly connected, I get an IP but cannot ping gateway or connect to anything.  Can't ping DNS servers or DHCP server listed.

I did not know about the diagnostic webpage of my modem.  I guess next time I try this, maybe I will be able to get more information of what the problem is.

I guess my home connection might not be completely up-to-par for gigablast?

How does one get some tech support to work on this issue?  I ended up going back to by Surfboard 6141 and I'm all good.

I'm not sure what email replies here go to.  But I do not check my Cox email (too much spam).  I'll keep trying to check here or email .. 

I'd love to get this new modem working.  If not, I might ship it back and see if the ATT hangbox is ready to go.

  • I ended up getting a Motorola modem. Connected first time no problems.  Not the best download speed on Gigablast, but better than what I had.  Thanks! Got the Motorola MB8600.

3 Replies

  • JMAN3203's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I've found with mine, it has to be powered up with whatever device you want connected. So, for example, if I unplug my router from the modem, and then connect my laptop directly into the modem, it will connect, have an "unidentified network" and have no internet access. My old modem, this wasn't an issue. 

    • LisaH's avatar
      Hi JMAN3203. Standard Modems only remember the last device connected to it via ethernet cable. To get a fresh connection, unplug the power and ethernet cable from the modem, wait for 30 seconds and then plug only the power back in and wait until the modem comes back online (takes up to 5 minutes) and then connect the ethernet cable from your computer to the modem. - Lisa
      • rutlandn's avatar
        New Contributor II

        I ended up getting a Motorola modem. Connected first time no problems.  Not the best download speed on Gigablast, but better than what I had.  Thanks! Got the Motorola MB8600.