I am getting to really dislike COX's email. (been a customer for 20+ years) Email access has been horrible for several months with random disconnects and flat out unable to access email, forward emails send between different cox email accounts. Emails are being dropped or not allowed into cox's email system. I have had real time issues with companies trying to send me emails and emails not going through, with error messages being sent back to the entity that the cox email account is not working. Even better yet is them getting the rejection message but the email somehow makes it through. Been to Cox's support several times now with no relief. Last time the cox support person was able to verify that randomly the email would not go through with the error message occurring, sometimes the error message would occur but the email would go through. Am supposed to be contacted by upperlevel support, but been over two weeks and no contact. One email account was moved over to the Cox myemail sever and appears to be mostly working. The other email account is on the older cox email server that is having much of the problems. Does anyone else have these problems and are there any solutions. Guess I will contact COX support again tomorrow.