Forum Discussion

Billyjackson44's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Unknown device regularly connecting to my network

A device that appears to be an Apple iPhone SE (based on its MAC address) connects to my network a few times a week.  It is not one of my devices.  

Each time it connects, the "Hostname" changes to "iPhone-x".  X is a number that varies each time.

Does anyone know what is going on?

Thanks in advance.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    If it's not your device, change the encryption key for your wireless.

  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    you're like a cheapie coffeehouse with free wifi, your neighbors thank you!

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      What's wrong with you lately?  You've been so mean.

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        calling a spade a spade but some folks just have a hard time hearing the truth!!

        when i log into cox, my 1st stop is my wifi to make sure no one else is accessing my wifi,THAT I CAN SEE!!

        fwiw: i could see a galaxy phone accessing my piggybacked, encrypted netgear router, until i made some changes.

  • Mulder's avatar
    New Contributor

    If you have a router, Turn on Mac Filtering and deny access to that device

  • Mulder's avatar
    New Contributor

    Also Turn off the SSID Broadcast, so that no one can see your wifi broadcast,

    • bearone2's avatar
      Contributor III

      some devices won't connect with ssid off.

      if ssid is off, can you still login to the router admin page or add a new device?