Forum Discussion

WishIHadInterne's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

Why does my internet connection drop daily?

Every few days my internet has a complete outage or I have to reset my modem (sometimes multiple times a day). I have had a tech come out and replace the cable, I have spoke to the techs over the phone, no one can help. The best they offer is for me to pay a discounted price for the day. Really? I would go to another provider, but unfortunately they are the only high speed internet provider in my area. Is there really nothing Cox can/will do to fix this so I can use the internet uninterrupted? I really don’t think I should be paying for services when Cox is failing to provide. Would you pay for a car wash just for them to hand you back the keys to your dirty car, but still demand payment?

  • BenS1's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi @WishIHadInternet
    I completely understand how frustrating it is to have outages and no information about them. I definitely don't want you to leave us. Sounds like we need to further investigate this issue in your area. Please email us at with your full name and address.
    Ben S.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • WishIHadInterne's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I will for sure leave once a competitor comes through. AT&T looked like they were laying cable, but they only offer 1.5 mbps here. Once they get that speed up I am gone. Cox is worthless. I have been on you guys for months close to a year with these issues and you have done nothing. You send a tech out here and he starts drilling and laying cables scattered all over the place (not neat) and jets out the door.  Nothing fixed. Not only can I say that among the internet providers, but among all businesses I have ever been a customer to, you would receive the lowest satisfaction rating. Cox has displayed no motivation to help provide the service they are receiving monthly payments for.

      • Allan's avatar
        @WishIHadInternet, I recommend sending us an email to so we can review and discuss account specifics. Thanks. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • DJohn's avatar
    New Contributor

    Right.  Our internet goes out multiple times a day, every day since I got COX just 5 weeks ago.  The technician came out and said it was just fine.  Well, nothing has changed.  Obviously they just want our money.  Sadly CENTURYLINK was better.

    • Allan's avatar
      @DJohn, I'm so glad you contacted us about these internet drops and it's important that we get it fixe for you. Is this happening with all devices in the home or just one? -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • igorek's avatar
    New Contributor

    It has to do with the age of the infrastructure in your area. At my old house, it would drop constantly an Cox tech would come out and put a filter on then the next one would come out and remove it then the next one would put it back. That's how it was for 10 years until I said enough is enough and switched to ATT. When I moved to my new house, ATT only provides 1.5Mbs so I had to get Cox again and it's actually very stable.

    I'm guessing that you have a lot of noise on your line. You can try and see if the line is grounded and that might help or not. Next time Cox tech comes out, ask him to check and make sure that it is (it should be by code but mine was not).