Forum Discussion

Good_David's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

?Falling behind in technology

On 4/23, at both my house and at my father’s house two doors down, we experienced problems with the telephone service.  We made exhaustive notes describing what was happening at each connection point and with multiple phones at each connection point as the problems seemed to vary widely.  The people on your trouble support service stated there was not a known area wide problem when we called that day to report the problems.  A technician arrived on 4/24 at my house to diagnose the problem.  By that time, the problem had resolved itself at both addresses.  Obviously, there was in fact an upstream area problem.  Your system engineering group should have, and probably did in fact have, knowledge of such an upstream area problem.  If they did not have knowledge of that, y’all most definitely have some work to do as you’re falling behind in the technology field.  Not good.  If they did have knowledge of the problem and did not have a system in place to communicate that to the trouble support service folks, then y’all also have a problem.  Not good, either.  Such a system diagnosis would have saved us a lot of grief on 4/23 as we chased the problem.

  • @Good David. I can certainly understand your frustration. Are you still experiencing issues with the phone service? Also, were you losing other services at the same time as the phone? (internet, video, ets). -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.