Contour Freezes
I see many posts about Contour Freezes. None of the posts sound like my problem, but they ham have the same root cause. I have experienced Freezes for over a year. They occur when I am in Contour "Recordings." The Freeze lasts for one minute and then a reset occurs. During that one minute, the remote can do nothing. I can't open a recording, start a recording, exit from Contour or get any remote function to work. No buttons on the remote work for one minute and then after a minute, the system apparently resets, and I can start the recording or exit from Contour. The remote starts working again, and the only fix was time.
I don't have a weak signal of low remote battery power. This isn't associated with the wiring or the equipment. I have had service calls, but the technicians can't find any problems with anything associated with the wiring, equipment or signal strength. I have switched boxes and had more reboots than Texas. I think the problem is a Contour routine or a bad line of code that causes the freeze and it resets after a minute. I complain frequently, and hope Cox will try to solve their Contour problem. I just don't know where to get help for this problem.