Forum Discussion

lreyes5's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

Entire recording library got wiped from my Contour overnight - why?

Over 100 programs disappeared overnight.  Today, June 8, 2021, I was about to watch a saved show and saw ZERO items in my Saved view in Contour.  Checked another of my Contour devices and the app - gone.   Worse yet, the deleted items was empty so no opportunity to retrieve.   I was at 84% of capacity last night which is why I set aside some time today to binge a few items.   Called 3 times and 3 times the agent conveniently (intentionally perhaps?) dropped my connection.   Guess the whole script about getting our number at the start to call us back is just empty words.  On my final call, the agent did say that she had been getting a rise in calls about this issue today.   So at least it wasn't just me.  All I want is for this system to work as advertised.  What's the point of promoting that we can use Contour to build a digital library if they are just going to dump it indiscriminately without notice. 

We're on to you Cox.  I saw a similar thread posted about this was already locked after just two hours.  

Very unhappy with the indifference you demonstrate to your customers.   First chance a new cable provider comes into town, you are gone. 

  • New problem detected.   After trying all of the recommended steps (reboot, system refresh, etc.) I tried starting over with recording a couple of shows.  Went to bed and next day found they didn't record.  Tried again, same issue.   Then it dawned on my what is happening.

    Cox systems are clearing out all recordings the next day.   Recordings are only preserved on the day they were recorded.

    To test this, I set up 9 different shows yesterday from 8 AM to 1 PM.  That evening, I found all 9 and was able to watch, stop, rewind, all the things I normally would do.  Woke up this morning and all 9 were removed.   Not deleted, because that would at least allow be to recover them.  Gone. As if, never recorded at all.  I just see a message that I have no recordings yet.  

    Somebody somewhere in the massive Cox enterprise that I pay hundreds of dollars a year to is pushing buttons they aren't trained for.  And you need to find a solution soon or consider cutting big refund checks.  

  • basokla's avatar
    New Contributor

    Happened to us as well.  Cox truly **.  I don’t even bother with their so-called customer service any longer.

    • Allan's avatar
      @Basokla, I recommend sending us an email with your full address and a brief description of the concern to -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
      • basokla's avatar
        New Contributor

        And by the way Allan.

        Yet another day with the Cox billboard on my tele…

        ”Welcome. Bienvenido. Bienvenue.”

        It’s a running joke in our household.

  • BenS1's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi @lreyes5
    I can relate to what's going on, and I know how frustrating it is to lose all of your recorded shows. Please do a 'System Refresh' by hitting the triangle 'A button' on your remote. Also, do you have a traditional DVR or a Cloud DVR?

    Ben S.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • lreyes5's avatar
      New Contributor II

      done and it failed.  I have no clue if I have a traditional DVR.  That, in my opinion, is the responsibility of the tech support staff that I called 3 times. They all asked me that and all happened to "lose" the connection when I challenged them.    It's a major fail.   I would feel better knowing why you are even asking this.  You are perpetuating a myth that somehow this was the customer's fault.   

      • BenS1's avatar
        Former Moderator
        I apologize for any confusion. The reason why I am asking about whether or not you have a Cloud DVR or a traditional DVR is that a Cloud DVR will store the recording in servers in the cloud, while a traditional DVR stores recordings on the head on the device locally. If you have a traditional DVR and your recordings have disappeared that normally means that your heads are going bad and you will need to get the DVR swapped out. If you have a Cloud DVR then we would need to put in a ticket to our video team to investigate the issue.

        Ben S.
        Cox Support Forums Moderator