Forum Discussion

Bruce's avatar
Honored Contributor III
5 years ago

Glitchy Software

I've noticed recent glitches with Contour and Caller ID.

Contour.  When I turn on my TV, Contour no longer tunes to the last channel I was watching.  For example, before I go to bed, I first tune to a specific cable news station before turning off the TV.  Since Cox got rid of the option for a power-on station with Contour, this is my digital-age workaround.

Instead of the last channel I was watching, Contour tunes to the next to the last channel I was watching.  For example, if I was watching Comedy Central and decided to go to bed, I first tune to the news station and then turn off my TV.  The next morning, Contour tunes to Comedy Central.  In addition to this "power-on" glitch, Contour also puts 2 icons (channel logos) for Comedy Central in the Last Watch section of Contour.

Caller ID.  Cox no longer passes Caller ID info to my telephone.  Caller ID info appears on my TV but not on the display of my telephones.

Did you "improve" something again?

  • CurtB's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Hi, Bruce.  While Cox is thinking about those issues, you could tweak your workaround by tuning to the channel you want to be your power on channel and then tune to a different channel before you turn off the TV.  (You're probably doing that).  The channel you want would then be the next to last channel.  If you forget to do that, you can press "Last" to tune to the last channel when you turn on the TV.  (You probably do that , too).  Or you could swap out that Contour 2 box and get a Contour 1 that actually has a working "Power On Channel" feature.       

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      Ha-ha...yeah, I thought about tweaking my workaround for no power-on channel.

      I hate swapping a "functional" box with a glitch for another box with another glitch.  I should quit while I'm ahead.

      • CurtB's avatar
        Valued Contributor III

        I wouldn't really expect you to swap cable boxes, but what's the Contour 1 glitch?

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi Bruce, in reference to the channel issue, this may be an indication of a defective receiver. In which case, our recommendation would be to replace the receiver. With the TV Caller ID, can you please look into the settings on your phone system? How many telephones do you have? Are all of the telephones created by the same manufacturer? -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      It's not a defective receiver, which I'll presume you meant there's a probability of an issue with its hardware.  It's a software glitch.  This bug has been happening since Release Version 105.1.1 dated 12 Nov 19.

      Before the Caller ID glitch, I hadn't changed any settings on my phone system(s).  The Caller ID info just stopped working.  All my landline telephones are from the same manufacturer because it's 1 base unit and 2 remote handsets in cradles.

      I also have a call blocker and it too stopped receiving the Caller ID info.  When I get a call, the call blocker just displays "N/A" because the data is not there.  I have to log into my Cox account to see who called.  Therefore, I have 2 separate platforms from 2 separate manufacturers not receiving Caller ID.

      • StephanieA's avatar
        Former Moderator
        Hello Bruce,

        Please confirm how your equipment is set up for the phone service. You state you have a call blocker also. Is this a separate device connected to your telephony modem?

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    The last-channel and duplicate-logo glitch appears to have thanks to Cox.  I cleared my History in the Last Watched section and everything appears to be back to normal.

    The Caller ID glitch, however, still exists.  My Mom called 3× for Thanksgiving and my call-blocker blocked her.  If there is no Caller ID data with an incoming call, my call-blocker will automatically block the call.  It's a good call-blocker and has worked flawlessly since 2011.  I've changed nothing with its configuration or anything on my telephones to have created this problem.  Cox had changed something with its Caller ID data.

    I did receive Caller ID info with the following call:  (888) 769-0137 [800 Service].  That number has been a well-documented scam since 2016 and its been the only Caller ID info I've received in a week.

    Why is Cox supporting Caller ID info for nuisance calls but denying it for family?  This is getting ridiculous.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    My telephones and call-blocker started receiving Caller ID data again.  I don't know if there was a fix because it just mysteriously started to work again.

    It's a good thing I didn't create more work for myself by exchanging boxes and hiring needless technicians.

    It was a fault within Cox the entire time.