Forum Discussion

gary_wojton's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

sound out of sync

Very strange,,,,,,my ch. 3 is out of sync with the audio.    When I have the news on in the morning, AZ Family 3 is also on NBC ch 5 at the same 5 works is ONLY with ch 3.    I have turned the tv off, unplugged both the cable box and the tv for a few minutes, and have even had the signal to the cable box reset via the cox site.....nothing worked

5 Replies

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    I doubt it's your equipment.  The signal is either out-of-sync leaving the studio, your affiliate or a corrupt compression scheme.

    You could contact your local affiliate.

  • Hi Gary Wojton. Is this happening on all shows on this channel or just one? We checked this channel and didn't see any issues while watching the local news. If you continue to have issues, please reach out to us on Twitter at @CoxHelp via DM, visit us on Facebook via private message, or email us at Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started. - Lisa, Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    many of these folks are working from home + have you also noticed that some of the hand-offs to the other talent are also slower than when both are in the studio.

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      I watch Fox & Friends in the morning and they're together in the "Big Studio," separated by maybe 40 feet in a triangle with a cluster of cameras in the middle for 3 different face-shots.

      When they talk to each other, they're talking via microphones and earpieces...not directly.  If they talked  to each other directly, they'd need to almost shout but shouting would over modulate the microphones, earpieces and our TV speakers.

      The delay...even in the same room...questions where the microphones are connected...where is the Control Room...and from where is the broadcast signal sent?  It could be 3 different buildings if not cities or states.  If 1 of the hosts speaks, the audio is routed somewhere, processes somewhere and returned from somewhere to each earpiece.

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        i used to watch fox n friends at the gym when i was finishing up on the upright bike.