Forum Discussion

sethm1's avatar
3 years ago

Whole house dvr - thoughts?

Currently we have 2 Cisco independent boxes.

to save money the Rep suggested the whole house set up. Guessing that’s a main box and a satellite. We had that 5 yrs ago and both me and the wife were not a fan. We both record a bunch of shows (sometime 2 each while watching a 3rd - so 6 total). One of the things we did not like was having to scroll thru the one shared recorded list to get  to the one show we are looking for.  Am I correct, that has not changed?

so curious on “your” thoughts - pros and cons of the whole house set up.

6 Replies

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  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    I don't know anything about DVR but I do know the rep wasn't suggesting...the rep was selling.  It's what they do nowadays.  If your process isn't broke, don't fix it.

    • sethm1's avatar

      Not exactly a side by side comparison. Still not clear that a whole house dvr is what we need or want. And can I truly way watch a recorded show even if not at home? That might be great if and we start traveling again.

      • CUTiger78's avatar
        New Contributor III

        I have been told by tech support that Cox's DVR servie DOES NOT allow you to watch a recorded show if you're not at home.