Forum Discussion

bobC927's avatar
5 years ago

“Cable Haunt”

Is Cox working on “Cable Haunt” the recently discovered flaw that has been discovered in millions of some of the most popular cable modems in use today? If so, what do we do about it if our modem is on the suspected list?

  • vorear's avatar
    New Contributor

    "What can I do" - Here is the response from ARRIS:

    The Cable Operators (MSOs) have complete control of what cable modem/gateway hardware they will allow installed and the firmware it uses, on their cable plant.  This means anything directly connected to the cable plant (COAX) in your house.  They do this to ensure that nothing happens to anyone upstream from your connections.  Cable Operators follow the DOCSIS Specifications that control this methodology of firmware upgrades as well as providing security for the firmware upgrades.  

    Cable Operators also run both the products and firmware through their own test cycles to approve any manufacturers’ modems, wireless gateways, and the associated firmware updates for deployment.  This is not an ARRIS only implementation, but the required implementation of any cable device manufacturer.  After an MSO has tested and approved a new version of firmware for a cable device, they will then “push” that new firmware out to the devices.