Forum Discussion

MoeDiddy's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

1TB CAP - Seriously?

I started my relationship with Cox in 2013.  I had a complete bundle (TV+Phone+Internet) and paid a fair amount per month.  They sold me on some guarantee lock, and other non-sense that were misrepresented.  I was under the impression I was good for 2 years based on the guarantee lock.  However, after 1 year, the cost of my bill went up by a hundred bucks.  I called and managed to work a few things and eventually it only went up 30 bucks. A year later, it went up 70 dollars. I made a call talked to their LOYALTY department and managed to get discounts, so instead of 70 dollars, the bill went up by an additional 25 dollars. The following year, again the bill goes up and they tell me things have changed. I called loyalty department and managed to get some discounts even though bill still on the rise.  

Anyways, make a long story short, the loyalty department is there to make you feel better, as your bill rises by 100 dollars, the loyalty department applies some discounts for loyalty and drops it by 20 or 30 bucks. You feel like a winner and you commit to paying your bills even though it went up by 70 to 80 dollars.  Point being its just a "MONOPOLY" system. Most people in my area have no other cable option other than COX. Therefore, COX can do all they want to jack up prices until they strike the nerves and eventually people like myself say "ENOUGH is Enough" after 5 years.   I eventually cut off my cable and phone because it was too expensive and stuck with just the premier internet, which gave me 150 mbps, and unlimited usage.

I learned yesterday, that as of September 2017, they changed the rules and capped it at 1 TB.  I get a notification a few days ago and the notification stated that I am about to hit 1 TB and that i will have to pay additional sums for going over limit.  I called the company and talked to a rep, they told me that I can pay an additional 49.99 for unlimited, or 25.99 for 500 GB more. I said why would i do that? this is ridiculous? they forward me to loyalty department, loyalty department was willing to add a 17 dollar discount, however, that doesn't change my situation. I still have to purchase additional Gigs... or I'll keep running into this issue. So I sat there thinking about every year, how COX continues to jack up contracts and change plans and steal money.  I am sick and tired of this corporate thievery. I understand that you are not in the business of handing out free things, you are in the business of making money but a company that cannot adhere to a contract and continues to change policies is a company that you just cannot trust.  

Therefore, I have decided to completely end my relationship with this company period. In addition, I have also decided to inform every living soul that engages with the large youtube and social media following to discuss this on their next episodes.  This is the beginning of something great. It's not for me it's for everyone that continues to have this issue. I know Cox is not the only cable company with such problematic business. Majority of them are in the same game.  This is why they partitioned areas in order to monopolize by only providing one option, while the alternative options for internet are DSL. I am just not going to put up with this anymore. Nor is anyone else. Completely done with the nonsense.  Can't wait to see these companies struggle, while the online world continues to take over the TV business. 

  • escapecox's avatar
    New Contributor II

    You're not the only one who feels this way, and Cox will be the one to find out the hard way when a competitor that their corruption can't keep out (see SpaceX satellite internet) moves in. Cox goes to great lengths to prevent competitors like Google Fiber from moving into new markets, because they know all too well what their customers think of them, and that their practices are outright deceptive and pure money grabs just for the sake of greed. They'd rather spend money on keeping competitors away, than on improving their network and providing a good service at a fair price. Now they're all about signing up as many customers as possible, overloading their networks to the point that Data Caps are needed, and trying to offset their losses in the TV business by doing all the above and probably so much more behind the scenes. Go ahead and Google "South Park Cable Company" (assuming you aren't a Cox customer that's reached their data cap already), this is what I imagine goes on at Cox on a regular basis.

    The moment I can get away, I'll be right there with you my friend. I imagine whoever your provider is now, stinks far less than Cox, your "friend" in the digital age.

    I need a friend like Cox like I need punch to each eye when I wake up first in the morning.

  • LuisOma's avatar
    New Contributor

    My point exactly and the post I just added this morning.

    Can't wait for Verizon 5G to be available in Omaha...

  • Cr0n_J0b's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I can't wait for competitors in my market.  I will drop Cox so fast...even if they went back to no caps, I would drop them on principal.  right now, i'm trying to figure out how to cut my video tiers and go just internet.  I think based on the video saving I can get better internet speeds and more video resources for much less...cox will lose out because they are short sighted.

  • You learned of the data cap policy only when you were in danger of exceeding it.... which underscores one of my pet peeves- that being customer communications and the clear attitude of contempt that Cox has for its captive money farms.. that is, the areas that have no choice but Cox for cable TV or high speed internet.

    This is not to say that individual customer service reps are like this- I've received some amazing service from some and the moderators here seem cordial enough... but the corporate policy reflects the customer base as the afterthought it clearly is to the company. 

    Changes in service, rate increases, and the like are either not communicated or are minimally alluded to in the paper bill (if you haven't gone "green") and word of planned maintenance outages is considered "privileged information"... that from a moderator here on these forums.

    The key to dealing with this problem seems to be finding out with whom Cox (and other cable giants) reach service agreements over a given area and dealing with them if not cutting the cord entirely.  It's an exceedingly bad business model from a customer standpoint and needs to be addressed.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    I assume since you cut cable TV, you were streaming?  You don't have to stream everything in UHD.  Opt for 480 once in a while.

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        Unlike 1998, there are options to control your data cap.  Unless, of course, you figure how to implement WinZip into your streaming.

  • Hi MoeDiddy, since the 1 TB data cap has been in place for a year and you are only now hitting the cap, what changed? Have your online gaming, video streaming, or music streaming habits recently changed? Do you have any new devices that may be automatically downloading updates, syncing with other devices, or backing up photos and documents? -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator