At my wits end
I really don’t know what else I can do. I have called and “chatted” multiple times and I cannot get anyone to understand that I have tried to resolve a problem and get now here. I even tried calling and chatting BEFORE the problem really started and was given incorrect information. Conveniently, cox doesn’t address the fact that I have called and called prior to the issue. They just want their money. I’m receiving the worst customer care, if you can even call it “care.” Everyone I’ve spoken to seems to be reading from a script and is unable to actually do anything besides talk in circles without listening. At this point I’m being told that there’s nothing I can do except pay for obsolete equipment that I don’t even have and to try going into a cox store to explain this to the employees there. I feel so badly for anyone who has to work for Cox. What a frustrating job it must be to know that the customers are being treated unfairly and not be equipped to do anything for them. I guess I’ll head to the cox store and see if they can help before contacting our family attorney.