That responce absolutely ** the big one. But has been the typical responce of passing the buck at every turn for the last few years with Cox. Cox offers inferior wifi products then when you have to switch to other products to get an up grade and you buy what they say works, even if it the same exact product they offer to rent to you, they won't give you the specifications to set the product up correctly to get the full services you pay for. I had to blow a service technician to get my equipment set up correctly. I suggest hanging around the back gate of the office in a bikini holding a six pack of beer and shaking a bag of cookies and you attract one or two who know what they are doing. I guess it must be one of the ways they must use to get their technicians laid now a days. After the fifth technician I learn how to stop and catch Cox lowering my speeds on my modem too. Also how to prove in a court of law, so the next time they do so from the back end, I got them and I will finally get rich off of a cox.