Forum Discussion

jginlv's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Block domain

How do you block a domain on the "new and improved" cox app suite? I am constantly receiving emails from a specific domain with it seems hundreds of senders. The old cox email let you chose to block the sender and/or the domain, but the new one just lets you block the sender. I'm getting tired of blocking senders from the same domain every day.
  • jginlv,

    Block Domain is not currently a feature offered on the new web mail platform. I understand the usefulness of the option and will share your feedback with our mail team. Are these messages spam? If so, marking them as such may help.

  • Laura_W's avatar
    New Contributor

    I agree-bring it back   I need to block entire domains also

  • jginlv's avatar
    New Contributor
    ColleenD said:

    Block Domain is not currently a feature offered on the new web mail platform. I understand the usefulness of the option and will share your feedback with our mail team. Are these messages spam? If so, marking them as such may help.

    All are spam. I've marked some of them as spam, but not all. I'll try to start marking them all as spam. They all seem to come into my in box and not the spam box, so somehow they must appear legit. It would be easier if everything could be handled in just 1 or 2 steps and not have to mark them as spam, block sender, delete to the trash bin and then final deletion. Of course, the easiest way would be to block the domain and not receive them at all.
  • jginlv,

    I understand and appreciate your comments. We're constantly evaluating features so thanks again for your feedback.

  • fix-it's avatar
    New Contributor
    There is a Blocked Senders Issue in the new e-mail implementation. You cannot independently add e-mail addresses or domains to the Blocked Senders List. You can only delete items from the Blocked Senders. I learned this today by accidently deleting a domain from Blocked Senders and could not figure out a way to add it back in. It appears you can only block a whole e-mail address by adding it to Block Senders from the Inbox. You can however implement filters that will encompass whole domains, but really isn't the same thing. Agree, need to be able to add and delete both e-mail addresses and domains in Blocked Sender and need to significantly increase the number of entries to keep up with increasing amount of spam. Need to do it soon.
  • Chapinsfan's avatar
    New Contributor

    Count me in on the need to bring back the ability to block entire domains.  I foolishly fell for one of those "you are a winner" emails and now my inbox is flooded with garbage.  They seem to be coming from specific domains.  I have set up a filter, but I am not sure if I set up the filter correctly.  Time will tell.  It is annoying because sometimes when I try to block senders in bulk, I accidentally mark real senders I do care about.  

    Hopefully Cox will bring this feature back.  It would be a real positive in the overall customer experience.

  • @Chapinsfan,

    Thanks for the suggestion(s) for our new email platform. We appreciate all feedback in regards to our service. 


    Allan - Cox Support Forums Moderator.