Forum Discussion

Daryl12's avatar
New Contributor II
7 years ago

Cox's spam filtering **

I've been a Cox customer for 20+ years.  I've always known that Cox's spam filtering was **, but it's worse that **, it's horrible.  

I've tried hard to protect my email from spammers, but unfortunately, I got on a spammers list and am getting ** that is obviously spam.  Cox is letting this ** through and I have to consistency log into the webmail, look through my email, add the spam to the black senders list, and report as spam before I can download it to my email client.  I have to do the same for my wife's account.  It's getting ridiculous.  Actually, its getting to the point where I"m going to have to drop cox as my primary email account and switch to something else.  As much as I hate Google, or another online email provider, I may have to switch to them.  

Before the new webmail I used to be able to edit the block senders list and block whole domains, but that is no longer an option.  I can now only add whole email addresses.  The spammers are smart and will send out spam from multiple email accounts, but I can often stop a lot of that if I can block the domain.  

I honestly don't think that Cox has any kind of spam control in place.  If they do, then its worthless.  


18 Replies

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  • Brad_S's avatar
    New Contributor

    I have been extremely frustrated with Cox's lack of spam protection the last few months. It is as if they turned off all spam filtering completely or something. Buy some Barracuda filters and be done with it already!  If someone at Cox is reading this, please escalate to your boss and then their boss - your customers view your services as a joke.

    • Daryl12's avatar
      New Contributor II
      It is as if they turned off all spam filtering completely

      I guess that's what I've been trying to say this whole time.  ** that is obviously SPAM is clogging up my inbox and I want it stopped. 

      If someone at Cox is reading this, please escalate to your boss and then their boss - your customers view your services as a joke.

      And that's the other reason why I keep pushing this.  I personally feel sorry for Becky.  As WiderMouth say's, she's paid just to give lip service and I see no effort on the part of Cox doing anything about resolving this issue.  I personally think that the only way they will make the changes is if we as customers move onto other service providers.  Unfortunately, there is no other provider in my area.  


      • Is_Cox_Still_Cl's avatar
        New Contributor

        .My blacklist is full isn’t yours.?  Now I can’t even find it to edit it.  I did a search and ended up here. For the last 25+ years of being a Cox customer spam has reached an all time high as has their cost of service.  Rediculous !!!!!!!!!!!

  • KG7's avatar
    New Contributor

    Chatting with Cox about this problem was useless, as is most of their first tier chat and phone support. It finally dawned on me to try filtering.

    Like Daryl12, I was seeing a lot of those similar spam messages coming through, just starting over the last few months. I looked at the "to" field and saw that none of these messages actually had my email address in them. So, I set up the following filter.

    Go to Webmail > Settings > Message Filters > New Filter

    Filter Name: Spam
    Filter: For incoming messages where all of the following match: To  does not contain  
    Action: Place Messages in: Spam (folder should already be available in pull-down menu)


    This filter will send any email you receive that does not have your email address in the "to" field directly to the spam folder. I recommend you just periodically glance through your spam folder to make sure you're not missing any important messages. Otherwise, this should work.

    Obviously, Cox's "spam partners" should be easily detecting these messages as spam, and, obviously, reporting these to cox as spam is not doing a bit of good. Hopefully this workaround will alleviate the issue.

    • Daryl12's avatar
      New Contributor II

      This is really an excellent idea.  I wish that I had thought of it.  Thanks for sharing.

  • Spammers are very inventive, and are constantly creating new ways to get around Spam Blockers. Cox uses several spam reporting services to identify unsolicited email messages and senders. We use your reports (marking Webmail as Spam or Not Spam) to improve our Spam Blockers. Due to the high volume of email received, a personal response is not provided to each report. Please do not interpret a lack of response as a lack of action. We may never be able to stop Spam, but I believe we can make a difference by working together. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • Daryl12's avatar
      New Contributor II


      I'm not sure where you get the idea that I'm expecting a personal response from Cox, I'm not.  What I EXPECT is for Cox to do a better job at blocking spam.    

      I've heard the response from Cox before that "We're doing all that we can".   I don't believe that.   I have multiple email addresses, and those providers do a much better job at blocking spammers than what Cox does.  One of those email addresses is one that I manage myself with spamassassin.    I get far less spam with that address.

      Also, before Cox switched to the new webmail, I used to have more control over the blacklist.  I used to be able to inspect the headers of the email and find the REAL email address that the spammer are using, not the spoofed one that it appears that the email is coming from, and add that to the blacklist.  I was able to block a hell of a lot more spam thaN what I can now.  The new webmail only allows me to add the entire email address and without being able to inspect the headers, I suspect that these are the spoofed addresses and not the real addresses.

      Cox needs to do better.  The only reason why I've been a cox customer for over 20 years is because I have no other option in my area.  Cox better hope that another provider never comes along.  They'll loose customers in droves.


    • Daryl12's avatar
      New Contributor II


      Here are just a few examples of spam that Cox is letting through:

      Doctor Shocked - Insane Method Destroys Tinnitus Fast:
      Dr. Tinnitus, M.D. <>

      Protect Your Budget with a Home Warranty. First Month FREE.
      Home Warranty Special <>

      5 common foods found in most American kitchens that are deadly
      Five Fatal Foods <>

      A Reverse Mortgage Loan May Help Eliminate Credit Card Bills
      AAG Mortgage Loans <>

      WALMART : You Have Been Selected !!!
      Thankyou! <>

      How To Back Up All Your Photos & Video With 1 Click!
      The Photo Stick <>

      GovernmentPrograms may Reduce Monthly MortgagePayments forMilitary
      VABenefitSurvey <>

      All of this is legitimate spam that Cox should be filtering out.  Do you know how much time a day I spend adding this ** to the black list, and marking as spam and reporting as spam?  Far to much.  I wasted 30 minutes this evening just going through this **.  I often have to do this multiple time a day. 

      Do you seriously think that Cox is doing all it can to block this **? 


      • osp001's avatar
        New Contributor II

        I have gotten many of these same spam emails; they have similar characteristics, and similar "unsubscribe" characteristics. I have no doubt they come from the same venue.

        But it is highly suspicious that this particular type of spam seems to be universally penetrating Cox spam filters.

  • Similar issue... I'm hesitant to have Cox meddle with it despite so much CRUD getting through.  I have legitimate emails that end up in the SPAM folder- repeatedly I mark them legitimate but subsequent emails ALWAYS go to the SPAM folder.  My understanding was that reporting a message as legitimate sent some sort of alert to Cox but either I'm mistaken, or the alerts are being ignored or the send function is faulty (wrong address?)

    • Daryl12's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Once upon a time, a person was able to manually edit the Black List and the White List.  Occasionally I would have to white list a person to make sure that the email got through.  

      I never felt that the "Report Spam" and "Not Spam" ever worked.  I always found that manually editing the two lists worked best, but since were no longer able to do that, we're stuck with "Report as Spam".


    • socal_transplan's avatar
      Contributor III

      i am now supposedly about 10 days in to my ticket being "worked" in this very subject.  i have heard nothing and my experience is still the same. my main concern is the spam (phishing) that keeps streaming thru.  lots of it lately is coming from emails. and yes, that's AFTER the full headers.  the phishing email will come to my inbox but the response from abuse@ goes to spam. go figure.

      but my weekly email from oprah goes straight to spam. you might consider it such, but i do not. and i've told cox so before.

      the thing i love most is when the phishing emails come to my inbox, but when i try to forward them to the entities that they pertain to...i'm not allowed.  because...wait for it! may contain spam!

  • Meggido's avatar
    New Contributor

    That is exactly why I'm posting on this forum.  The Cox spam filtering is basically non-existent.  I've sent hundreds of spam email to the Cox spam address, supposedly so Cox can analyze them and improve their filters, but it appears they do nothing about it.  I'm completely fed up with Cox.  

  • Meggido's avatar
    New Contributor

    That is exactly why I'm posting on this forum.  The Cox spam filtering is basically non-existent.  I've sent hundreds of spam email to the Cox spam address, supposedly so Cox can analyze them and improve their filters, but it appears they do nothing about it.  I'm completely fed up with Cox.