Forum Discussion

dlarkin-dc's avatar
New Contributor III
9 months ago

Good emails identified as spam is a serious issue.

I know this has been discussed over the last month in a prior thread, but I think another thread is more appropriate, given the severity of the issue, than adding to an old one. This situation is ridiculous, and Cox will be liable given this can have severe consequences for people, missed bills, medication notifications, etc. This is not a slight issue Cox! 

Just today, 4 of 18 message in my spam folder were spam. Two of the misidentified as spam were important and time sensitive. This is now a regular issue that, by my experiences, started sometime about a month ago.

My kids' school district, community groups, online forums, and legitimate marketing are being as spam. The webmail interface option for "Not Junk" does not teach the service a domain or sender is not-spam, it's fake and just moves emails. There is no way to disable the spam filtering. Basically, there is no way for users resolve the issue. 

In response to the thinking, "This is why you always check your SPAM folder", sure, absolutely, but it isn't always that simple. Most users rely on email clients, not web access, and depending on the email client, or more importantly, what protocol the client is using, can mean these clients' users never see the what is going into the Cox spam folder.

I've been dutifully reaching out to senders than are being caught up in this issue and hopefully they'll be reaching out to Cox too. For now Cox customers are up s creek without a paddle, many may not even know it. I've been customer for over 20 years and I want to stay that way, but resolving situations like these prove Cox is worth the loyalty. Cox, please reach out to the email service and get an option to disable spam filtering - at the very least.

Thank you!

6 Replies

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  • DRVEGAS's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    I have the same issue and I'm using Gmail so this isn't just limited to Cox emails.

    • dlarkin-dc's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Sorry to hear that. but, it's so vague it's not vindicating Cox and pretty much reads like bot reply to defuse the issue. No offense intended. 

      Specifically, are you saying...  Googles's email service is mischaracterising legitimate emails as spam, or even the exact same ones? Or is it the same issue with emails to your Cox email service that are being acess by the Gmail client? Are you using IMAP or POP in your client?

      • DRVEGAS's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        I don't use Cox email anymore.  I keep getting legitimate emails in my spam folder and spam emails in my inbox regardless if I mark them as spam or not spam.  I'm using my phone but I get the same results using a computer.

  • dlarkin-dc's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I have an update! I can't reply to one of the mis spammed emails. The Cox smtp server reposnds with message rejected, both using webmail or smtp. The spam profiling is operating like a firewall. I've had to create a new email to be able to send a reply.

    Cox, FYI - this was past due medical records request that'd been in the spam folder.

    A large potion of your email users are going to be legacy aged (like me) and predominantly using POP with their email clients... but most all wont be cable to figure this out on their own. I can't stress enough how important it is to have this resolved asap.

    • DRVEGAS's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Switch to Gmail and you at least will get all your emails even though a lot of them will still end up in your spam folder.

  • JohnHartg's avatar
    New Contributor

    I am having the same problem with Cox Webmail marking legitimate email as Spam. The problem started a few months ago when I noticed I hadn't received bills that are normally sent to me every month.  

    I seldom log into Cox Webmail because I download my email to Outlook on my desktop. When I finally logged into Cox Webmail I saw that Cox had moved these emails, along with many other legitimate ones, to Spam.  I marked these emails as "Not Spam" and moved them to the Inbox. However, Cox seemed to ignore this because the next month, the bills were once again marked as Spam. I have tried defining the senders as Contacts and using the Webmail filters but all of that seems to be ignored. 

    This is going to be a serious problem for anyone who is having Cox Webmail marking the emailed bills as Spam. Either fix the problem or provide an option in Webmail for the user to turn off the Spam filter!!!