Forum Discussion

HankHillsfriend's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Horribly slow upload speeds/high packet loss after a neighborhood internet outage - Southern California


There was an internet outage in my area on tuesday. After it was resolved, I have noticed upload speeds at less than .25 Mbps and packet loss above 5%. We have never had either issue in the past. I have checked both wired and wireless devices and all have the same issue. How can we have this looked in to? We pay a lot for internet and I would like this issue fixed immediately as I rely on internet for work.

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    @HankHillsfriend, I have pinged your modem several times and I am not detecting any packet loss at the moment. Can you please hard-wire a PC or laptop directly to the modem and perform a speed test for us?

    We generally recommend using the Cox Internet Speed Test tool,

    I'd like to see what your upload speeds are. Are you gaming, streaming movies, Netflix, or surfing the web when experiencing packet loss? -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator