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Best_Customer_E's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

I am not a liar.... I am begging Cox to ensure this service issue is resolved.


Being a telecommunications representative and working for one of the world's largest cable, internet and phone companies.

I know more than the basics.   I am very educated in the Cable high speed internet field, I actually have been since 2004. Just so you understand I am not playing with the company nor do I want to miss work and have Technician after Technician out at my premise to tell me that they cannot fix the issue that maintenance is going to have to replace the outside neighborhood lines, amplifiers and nodes. I am a very understanding person even when I am paying for a service that has not ever worked correctly, I also have been having so many problems that a once perfect attendance employee is at the level of attendance points where I could loose my job. Now after 14 years of hard work and the knowledge I have that benefits me as an  employee and also benefits my Companies customers to the point that I can almost ensure 99.9% of my  customer who work with me are satisfied and thankful by the time we are finished with our conversation. One of the main focus; is being honest with your customer and listening to their needs. When I call in and I am asked a million questions that is fine yet when I am questioned about the service issue I am experiencing  everyday that it has gotten so bad that it is threatening my job, I even took an extra step in getting a resolution. One of the Cox Technicians told me it wouldn't be a bad idea for me to switch my services from residential to business he said this way Cox has to resolve the problem. Well, kinda unfair that residential customers are dealing with this service issue and there is not a requirement to fix it..( at least that's what it sounded like) So last week I called in again to report the internet issue and scheduled a service technician and yes I was super frustrated yet no I did not go off on the agent because they cannot fix the main line from their seat. However I did explain everything that has happened with my Cox service from service issues to technicians on premise and what steps those technicians took, what those technicians said and believe me EVERYONE of the COX TECHNICIANS said the EXACT same thing we can only do so much,,, (which this is true I know that and I also know who is responsible for my issue and getting to them is hard and likely never happens.) Well, the residential premise technician who referred me to a business account told me that everyone of them know that this area is in desperate need of all new equipment outside new main lines, nodes, amplifiers and connectors on the main line. I know this is what is needed as well, honestly at times I want to take the agents screen and tools over so I can  submit a CARE TO FIELD SUPERVISOR ticket and have a supervisor call me within 48 business hours so I can explain exactly what is happening. After many maintenance tickets and no REAL resolution,  I keep getting told that maintenance did not find a problem and that they can just send another premise technician out.  I have to accept this resolution every time I call. I know dhow the order of work is assigned and I know once the work order leaves the agents screen and goes to technician and he checks the premise and then he creates the maintenance ticket, then it is gone. 

I hate that we do not allow customer to get updates (notifications text message, email, COx website , phone call, or even a door tag, these steps are not required from a maintenance Technician however holding individuals responsible for the work they are  supporting is NOT a BAD BUSINESS TACTIC you might find out some ways to improve your employees by taking a moment and considering the customer's  point of view a bunch of wait time and no resolution, I know better to believe that time without service credit is going to exceed my hourly wages especially not 3-5 days worth of pay., I breath credit policy. LOL!! Yet I am so frustrated that Cox does not take their customer seriously and they are trusting the maintenance technician who just logged into the watch tower system and looked at the nodes signal read, and then he less than a 24 hour period resolves the order and I am waiting for a resolution or a call and nothing. Then I end up calling back and ending up having to go through the same procedure to once again not get a resolution. 

Well to make a story short I went to business on 08/22/2018, Wednesday from Residential account services, after agreeing to pay more money for same speed and sales agent (tho she was super) said exactly what the residential technician said that Business Service Internet Department is required to resolve the service issue not only that within 1/6th of the time it takes the Residential side to get a resolution. I thought YES AWESOME this is exactly what I need to ensure I do not miss work and if the issue that l keeps happening continues to happen that the Business Service Technicians are now required to resolve the service issue to the appropriate resolution. Now, right after the installation was complete BAM!!!!! Business Services in my area are being effected by an outage.( I thought well good hope they are fixing the issue and the bad lines) I called in and technician agent via phone said that is exactly what they are doing is replacing faulty lines and we are now getting new. Super stoked and then the service outage was resolved and guess what IT"S STILL HAPPENING.... Internet speed is spiking in speed one second and then down to almost nothing to were I cannot work and this is causing my customer to hate the company I work for even more. I cannot believe that I requested a callback through the application and NO ONE CALLED ME!! So I used the text to chat agent and when I asked if he can see all the issues I have been having he closed the chat. I decided to call in and report the issue even though I reset the modem already, when agent came on the phone my fiance told him specifically DO NOT RESET THE MODEM AS YOU CAN SEE SHE JUST RESET IT... while I am trying to work and internet is like gas to a car for me to work.... The agent ignores the request and resets the modem and causes me to lose my customer and services. Okay, now I can forgive you for that, yet then he tries to sell me a service care plan, I know and understand why he would yet if he listened to the customers interest and needs  then he would have known not to offer anything because this issue is COX issue nothing to do with work or in home premise equipment promise the technicians replaced everything many times. ( another concern is that after we declined the care plan the agent then put us on hod and transferred to another agent this is very unprofessional and I would train agents not to do these steps which create frustration and lack of confidence with the Company they are working for.

Next agent he had a few requested speed test to run. Which is fine. He listened and did not reset the modem, which I appreciate and he said that with the latest  repairs  on the main line that this should not be happening. Well I explained it still is and has been  everyday since  the business installation (since  working with business) yet this is a continuing ongoing issue that is driving me crazy.

I pray that a corporate employee reads my concern, I am not asking for money or hand out, I need my service fixed correctly and if the technicians all know what the issue is why has the line technician taken responsibility and resolved the problem. 

If you look up my accounts you will see multiple interactions since the first installation of residential services.

Since I became a Cox customer lI have stayed loyal and allowed well enough time and also made a service change which is costing me $40.00 per month for the same speed I subscribed with on my residential account which I never had consistently and signed a 3 year agreement to make sure this issue is resolved  once and for all.

Please believe  me the date my business services were installed that very next day there was a outage. 

After  speaking with agents this outage was  set by maintenance to improve the quality of internet .

They stated  the equipment in my area was being replaced the main line and amplifiers etc.

When I explained this again to another agent he said that  with all the work the other day with replacement lines and equipment from the maintenance outage, that the only thing this can be  linked to is the actual node health.

I have been moved from channel to channel and all lines replaced multiple times, and modem replaced and upgraded to business service and then BAM the main lines are being tended too. 

I would love my service to be consistent and allow me to enjoy working l for my customers based on their concerns compliments and suggestions.

I take our customers and my conversations and build presentations l to improve the company.

If its a complaint like mine I am all on top of the customers concern.

I am submitting details of the customers service issue and I am giving the technician all the information that the customer is supplying me.  Trusting your customer  and working together toward a permanent resolution to their service issues would be amazing.

I would love to speak with the maintenance technician that has handled my maintenance tickets and also have my account handy so I can show him because he did not monitor and take my situation seriously even after the millionth ticket that he still has an ongoing internet issue that is out of agents and premise technicians hands and we all know that my service issue is a maintenance issue and that maintenance technician is not follow up and/ or doing his job. 

I am not the person to talk about an employee who did not do their job correctly yet this is now way out of control and I am at the point of going out and driving down the road until I find the maintenance technician so I can explain and show him all the problems we are having and I was also told by another premise technician that a Cox customer around the block calls in everyday because of the same issues I am having I just do not have the time and the money to call you guys every day.

I need a GOOD EMPLOYEE WHO LIKES HIS JOB TO FIX MY AREA, I know by the experience I have had the current  maintenance technician doe snot care about his job because if he did he would care about his customers who pay his salary and he would go above and beyond his control to ensure  a better name and reputation of the company COX internet service. When you start to slack at your job that mean's that you are used to getting away with your work ethic and I do not want a company that has to spend dollar after dollar to keep doing the SAME THING which has not and will not resolve the internet issues. How do all agents and premise technicians know that its an outside issue yet there is no resolution for them except to schedule another premise technician and then he laughs it off and makes a maintenance ticket and then  NOTHING... well an OUTAGE or something else that is not positive.

Keeping your customer in the loop would be the most  appreciative process you could take.

Leaving us without the knowledge and with crapping service and barely keeping my job because of the attendance points used all a long to  get  the EXACT same issue resolved. 

Maintenance technicians need to follow thorough and pass the  information and the steps he processed to the agents if he is not willing to reach out to the customer.

If COX would have just listened to me from the start we would not have had multiple interactions and service calls without a resolution and maintenance tickets closed as resolved and still an service issue at large and this is a simple fix.

SOMEONE NEEDS TO TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF THEIR  JOB and stop acting like they are the GOD OF THE SERVICE they need to review the notes that hte technician applied to the maintenance ticket, they need to review all service impacting outages, make sure to read the notes on the account from the technical department and what the customer says they are experiencing, because if agent set as speed issues as the maintenance ticket issue yet did the maintenance technician actually CARE if he was going to do his job correctly and resolve a problem and make COX look good  did he just work the ticket. Reason I am bashing the maintenance technician is that I have had so many tickets that he completed or closed as no issue. I know I asked you to believe me and that I am not a liar, I am like an injured animal that is depending on someone else and their services to fix me.! Now, if an employee cares about their job and enjoys the job they have they will have found out multiple different ways to improve the company and the companies procedures and they will go above and beyond and they will ensure that their work is good and will get  complimented. GOOD EMPLOYEES  MAKE THE BACK BONE OF ALL  COMPANIES and they also set  the standards  of the service that is offered to the customer.

I am listed with my Company and have been for 14 years an EXCELLENT EMPLOYEE!!

 I am apart of a project that is brand new to our  company and not only new to my company I work for also new project to the company my company works for.

I was pulled individually and chose by one of our MOST LOYAL AND VALUED MANAGERS to support this project to be the employee who makes the Company change their policies to improve both the customer and the company. I am really upset with Cox as my internet service provider because the issue is not every resolved or taken above maintenance ticket.

Continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of INSANITY!!!

This is what COX Internet has become insane  because they trust that the issue is being resolved someone needs l to be monitoring the issues and finding the loop wholes and making the procedure fail proof.

I am the person who is making these adjustments for the Internet Company I work for and I am extremely displeased with the service I receive from the maintenance tickets and how they do not gain the full picture before they close the ticket they obviously did not read my notes or see how many premise technicians have been at my house and what continues to happen and how it starts or what times of day it happens. ( ALL of those points are in my account from technician s agents and all the employees I speak with or come to my home  I am going to give these employees anything and everything they ask plus more because I NEED MY INTERNET TO work consistently.

Unfortunately I am stuck with COX because AT&T cannot provide the level of speed I need to work  form home.

I hate that I am limited and and not able to choose between a good service provider that will work hard to get the best resolution and ensure that the customer  is at least getting the services they are paying for.

GROW UP COX> this is something that is going to continue to happen until SOMEONE IMPORTANT WITHIN THE COMPANY  gets INVOLVED..

Make this happen make my area customers happy to have chosen Cox internet not wanna move to another area to get better service.

Thank you for reading my concern and taking my concerns seriourly,

Concerned Cox Customer 

  • Unfortunately I am stuck with COX because AT&T cannot provide the level of speed I need to work  form home.

    Here is a crux of the issue... and I was furnished with an uncharacteristically honest summary of Cox's attitude with regard to communicating useful information to its paying customers.  My concern was with outages related to scheduled work and other issues not involving a customers equipment or wiring inside their living space:

    many times we don't have those specifics and for the information we do have, most of it is considered privileged information that cannot be shared with our customers.

    Until there's real pressure to provide meaningful customer service (not to mention downward pressure on pricing) as is furnished through competition for the same customer base, nothing is going to change.

  • COXemQuery's avatar
    New Contributor

    "Best Customer Ever"  your exposé is spot on!  As you prefaced your story touting                                                                                           "I know more than the basics.   I am very educated in the Cable high speed internet field.."  since 2004.                                                                         Help me out here... Do you recieve compensation from COX?                                                                                                                               

  • Rob_H_'s avatar
    Contributor II

    Do you have a type of modem that shows, in addition to signals levels and SNRs, a status regarding things like correctable and uncorrectable codewords and an event log that shows things like T3 timeouts?  If so, you might want to share it in an online complaint to the Better Business Bureau (BBB).   Cox is typically very responsive to BBB complaints.  Good luck.

  • query4cox's avatar
    New Contributor

      2 ques

    1)Will you recieve/ or do you receive any form of monetary compensation from COX Communications ??

  • Hi Best, thank you for your post and all of your details. A Cox Business incident ticket has been opened on your behalf. I'm hopeful that our field team will find a resolution to these chronic issues. Feel free to post updates as the ticket is worked over the next few days. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator