I have a technician coming once again this afternoon. Here is the process I have gone through-
Weeks before this -occasional buffering. Seemed to start after fiber upgrade.
Internet and Wi-Fi goes down during all these episodes
Thursday - September 14
Thursday night football buffering during game ( constantly) - restart at half time -still buffering
Friday September 15
Friday called and made tech appointment
Saturday September 16
Technician here and changed out modem to leased cox modem. Said this should be the cure-checked all lines outside. But….
Froze up during a movie on Prime 11:00 pm Saturday night
Sunday September 17
2:30 pm internet interruption and buffering
4:30 pm internet interruption and buffering
Text assistance and restart
Monday September 18
3:00 pm buffering freeze
Called in -restart and diagnostics-told to call again tomorrow if it is still happening
5:30 pm -internet interruption and buffering
6:55 pm internet interruption and buffering
Tuesday September 19
Away most of the day
7:30 pm internet interruption and buffering
Wednesday September 20
12:30 pm internet interruption and buffering
Called again-unresolved technical scheduled for tomorrow.
Unplugged fire sticks from tvs in bedrooms and powered down iPad @ 1:30 - per recommendation from customer service representative
2:00 pm internet interruption and buffering
6:30 pm internet interruption and buffering
Thursday September 21
8:30 am - Internet interruption and buffering twice-