Health, I can address to varying degrees but I will try to shine some more light on it for you.
1. The 1 Gpbs service is a maximum rate, the full 1 Gbps will be supported and aimed for but more factors will take into effect with the higher ceiling.
2. Currently it is Fiber to the home and ethernet for the home network beyond the fiber to the modem. There has not been any official word on Docsis 3.1 to this point.
3. It is being rolled out for specific neighborhoods at this point and expanding from there, for existing customers it does require new lines/burials for the fiber into the home which can take a few weeks.
4. All of the previous services tied to our other High Speed Internet tiers are also tied to the Gigabit service as well.
5. Yes, the residential terms of service and ports apply to the connection as well.