Looks like a great service. Too bad COX forgot about seasonal customers.
I own a house in an area serviced by COX Gigablast. I'd love to sign up but In order to get Gigablast I have to sign a 3 year contract. Since I'm only here for 6 months a year I need a way to suspend my service.
Cox offers to suspend service BUT COX charges $9.95/month for each service I suspend. So I'd be paying at least $20 a month ($120/year) for TV and Internet I wasn't using. That's a rip off.
At the moment, I can cancel my Internet any time (I own the equipment) and I can usually talk them into waiving any activation fees when I return. I can suspend my satellite based TV service with no monthly fees of any kind while I'm away.
Think about us COX. If you come up with something for Snowbirds that doesn't involve wasting $20/month I'd love to sign up.
PS Oh and your ads about 3D printed food? Holographic gaming? Mmm... kinda not a real thing.