Gigablast is Cox trying to copy Google/FIOS, and like all copies, they are never as good as the original. Also, Google specializes in data collection, analysis, and portrayal. Cox does not. Cox doesn't even have a outage page. Last, Google is one company, while Cox is far from standardized. Thats why you can't get a answer, because the people you are talking to are probably half way across the country and don't know anything about local procedure. You see this with IPv6, cable boxes, appointments and communication methods for escalation. Which would be fine if all the procedures were uniform, but it seems Cox standardized their work force and call centers (a nice way of saying they fired a bunch of people) before they standardized their procedures. They put the cart before the horse. My guess is because it cost money to write procedures and train people and you save money by firing people and hiring new people at lower pay rates.