I need to provide clarification in regards to the information Danny provided. IPv6 is now available to all residential Cox customers in all markets, with the exception of Fiber PON (Fiber Gigablast) customers.
I was able to locate your modem based off of the credentials you registered for forums with and have verified your modem has an assigned IPv6 address. With that being said, In addition to the modem being able to receive an IPv6 address, your router and devices must also be able to receive IPv6 addresses as well. It is important to ensure your router's firmware has been upgraded to the most current release and your device(s) must be running an operating system that is capable of IPv6. Additionally, IPv6 must be enabled on all devices. See minimum operating systems versions below.
◦Windows Vista or higher Note: Windows 8 is preferred.
◦Mac OS 10.6 or higher ◦Android OS 4.2 or higher
◦Apple iOS 4.1 or higher
The majority of retail home routers, especially those produced within the last few years, are fully IPv6-compatible.
Cox has determined that Apple AirPort Extreme routers, including Time Capsule models, can experience Internet connectivity problems when running firmware released prior to May 25, 2016. For more information, contact Apple Support.
These requirements are explained at the link Andrew provided but I will include the link in my reply here for convenience sake.