Forum Discussion

OhioUser's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

MoCA disables daily

MoCA has been working great but a few weeks ago it started automatically disabling in my Panoramic Wifi Gateway.  I am able to reenable it but it keeps disabling every day.  I did open a service ticket and the technician verified everything was set up correctly, including a filter on the outside line.  What can be done to stop the daily disabling?  

  • MoCA would require a PoE filter on the incoming line so the MoCA signal does not "escape" onto the outside line and cause interference with other cable subscribers on the same line. The only "security" issue with MoCA would be such a filter has not been installed. I find it hard to believe the Wifi Gateway doesn't have a PoE filter built-in to address this. The lack of PoE filter install is the only practical "MoCA" reason the feature is automatically being disabled.

    Here is how you can side-step the MoCA feature of your modem with another MoCA adapter. MoCA adapters typically have two coax connections and ethernet; one for passthrough and the other for connecting other MoCA devices. You can always try something like this ...

    incoming coax --> moca coax port | moca adapter | passthrough coax port --> cable modem --> router

    ... then plug moca adapter ethernet into one of the network client ethernet ports on the router.

    Your cable modem will send/receive signals through the passthrough coax port. Internal network traffic will flow through the router. With the MoCA adapter connected to the router via ethernet, internal network traffic will flow through the MoCA adapter to other MoCA devices. At first it seems counter-intuitive and circular but signals are separate and don't interfere with each other.

    Don't forget... you'll need to install a MoCA PoE filter on the coax line in from the outside. Otherwise, the cable company will track you down ;-)

    • paperpunch's avatar
      New Contributor

      Did anyone get it work by using actiontec ecb6200s02 with Cox panoramic cgm4140com modem (and by turning off panoramic buildin moca adapter)? I tried ecb6250 which does not seem to work.

      • Superbigwaff's avatar

        You'll need to provide some details on how you are setting up the MoCA network. The ECB6250 only has a single coax in port. It doesn't have a passthrough coax port. I'm guessing you are splitting the line and may be using a MoCA incompatible splitter. You need to use a bi-directional MoCA splitter which supports up to 2300MHz.

        Review my post at the end of this thread..

        CGM4141 and MoCA

        Provide some details regarding your coax and home network setup and I'll try to guide/help you.

  • MisterR's avatar
    New Contributor II

    MOCA started being disabled regularly for me last Tuesday (around Dec 14th or 15th, 2020) - before then,  MOCA over COAX worked great.  It seems to be disabled now more than once per day.  I've been meaning to contact support because I use MOCA for my wired connections and spent money on additional equipment to get it working.  

    A majority of the people complaining here are referencing the issue with MOCA on the Technicolor CGM4141 being regularly disabled since September.  My hypothesis about why mine lasted until December is that my model is different:  CGM4140COM v2.2.  

    • Jellygrape's avatar
      New Contributor II

      My MOCA also began to be disabled at least twice daily since Dec. 14. I have my wifi LED lighting connected to a network switch that is connected to a MOCA adapter in another part of my home. So every day I come home, it’s pitch black in and outside instead of having my automated lighting working. I contacted Cox via online chat on Sunday about this  but the rep was clueless about the problem and finding a solution. 

      • Allan's avatar
        @Jellygrape, I recommend sending us an email with your full name, address, and a brief description of the concern to -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • Going to get rid of my cox panoramic I can turn MOCA on. Cox will just lose out...

  • OhioUser,

    Thanks for reaching out on the Cox Forums about the MoCA feature automatically disabling daily. If you are an internet-only subscriber, this is occurring by design. The MoCA feature in the Panoramic WiFi gateway is intended to be used with our IP based video solutions, such as boxes that do not require a cable outlet.

    It looks like the tech advised this during your last visit. I apologize if the information wasn't presented clearly. Please let us know if you need anything else.

    Cox Forums Moderator
    • MisterR's avatar
      New Contributor II

      This policy makes me want to switch providers. Not cool to have a feature working fine and then just disable it for people unless they pay more.  I already rent the modem and spent money on equipment to work with it.  I'm sure the people who we see complaining about it here are just a fraction of the frustrated households that use this until recent changes.  

    • swoop's avatar
      New Contributor II
      MoCA feature in the Panoramic WiFi gateway is intended to be used with our IP based video solutions, such as boxes that do not require a cable outlet.

      I'm not sure you know what MOCA is Ma'am.

    • swoop's avatar
      New Contributor II

      it was designed to turn off every night? wow, that seems like very poor design. Especially considering it didn't turn off every night for the last year.