Forum Discussion

YoJimbo's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

"Network-Impacting Event" In San Diego

Do we have any idea what this is?  Why will it takes days to fix?  Our internet has been up and down for the last 3 days and now it seems we can expect more of the same until 9/27/2022 at 12:02 AM?? ...
  • CaptaenRon's avatar
    3 years ago

    Where did you get that estimate? I've been told repeatedly everything is fine except for a few small outages that were resolved. Still having intermittent losses of connectivity every 5 to 10 minutes.

  • gregtstevens's avatar
    3 years ago

    I’m replying to weigh in about the same thing in Tucson Arizona. The internet has been out at least once each day for the last week; yesterday is was up and down three times, each down period lasting an hour or longer. The poor phone support people don’t have access to any real information (I feel bad for them). But like OP, I am losing my patience for “we are working on it!” when downtime is a daily occurrence. I work from home and cannot function if my internet experiences outages multiple times a week (and now, multiple times per day).

    does anyone  reading this have any idea what is actually happening with Cox? When I tried calling the voice help line a few minutes ago it literally said “we are working on it thank you for your patience and HUNG UP ON ME. (LOL… I can’t even be too mad because it wasn’t like a rude person or anything, the computer voice hung up on me.)

  • Cap72's avatar
    3 years ago

    +1 To everything you just said. I have asked via Twitter DM (@CoxHelp) and they always reply with a canned response - same as the phone agents, they don't have any answers since management doesn't tell them. I am going to file an FCC complaint for this past week as it has created material financial damages to my business, which I can prove. I have tried "being nice" and have asked via Twitter, in chat on the app, and via the phone for a real answer as to the likelihood of this continuing, and to at least give us a schedule of outages to plan around. They refuse (or aren't allowed) to ask "management" what is actually happening and every event is supposedly unrelated, and therefore, not able to be scheduled. I call shenanigans on this, so if they won't communicate with me directly, I will complain to the commission we all pay taxes for. /rant 

  • gregtstevens's avatar
    3 years ago

    I definitely feel bad for the level 1 help desk people, since it’s not their fault they don’t know anything. But, as I even said to one of them: “Someone must know something, right???”

    I agree with you that it’s nonsense to say these are unrelated. Im one of those types of people who feels better with information. Honestly, if they said something like “one of our transmission hubs got blown up by a squirrel, we are trying to fix it by next week” I would be happier than I am with “oh it’s just random haha we are working on it”. You know what I mean?

    I’ll keep trying, and will see if I can get someone on the phone tomorrow. I’ll post to this forum if I get any info at all. I am not hopeful though.

  • iflyair1's avatar
    3 years ago

    AGREED!! Same here in Tucson. Can not get anyone live to answer phone request, nor response from text/email either… failed service, but still charging the same!

  • iflyair1's avatar
    3 years ago

    AGREED! 3days of severely inconsistent service. No answer to phone calls. No response to text/email contact.. sadly Cox expects full payment for failed service.

  • MiloDog's avatar
    3 years ago

    Ditto 85748 this is sooo frustrating and Cox never sent out a notice of the outage. My smart house just went brain dead!!!