Forum Discussion

Kenner's avatar
New Contributor II
5 years ago

Not able to send email via POP with Cox Accounts

Working on my Father in Laws PCs, he has Cox as do I He can't send via any of of accounts on his PCS hooked into his network. We spent 6 hours on with customer support finally sent to tier 22 who said they had to send to back office.

Settings are correct as posted on website.

Able to send other emails to gmail accounts in Outlook.

Webmail, sends emails fine.

He receives emails fine.

He is not at quota on any email address.

He can send via K-9 via sprint network (through their email server).

When we send it goes to outbox then to sent. No error message ever shows up. I had my laptop there, I was able with the same version and my email address to send via my laptop though I was not on his network I was off my hotspot.

His Desktop, Laptop and my Mother In Laws pc are all 3 having the same issue.

I traced the message in Windows 10 and can see it connect to the pop server and negotiate but thats all i can see. it is almost as if his 3 accounts are being stopped at the server.

5 Replies

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    I think it's a huge SMTP queue somewhere.  I normally get a daily email at ~7 AM but recently it hasn't been arriving until noon.

  • HI Kenner. You may want to send an email from your cox account using his network and see if you get the same issue. - Lisa, Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    webpage info wrong for me.

    outlook 2016 pop3, spa checked, 995 not 110 for smtp/tls.

  • Kenner's avatar
    New Contributor II

    It seems that the account is being sent to spam after a telephone call with tier 2 support. They know all the emails on the account re going to the servers spam folder. This however has been unsolved and 1 ticket closed with no fix. It was sent up to the email server people. His account some how got marked as a spammer and its auto trashing his emails to other COX.NET email address. He can send just fine to non cox domain email addresses.

    • MichaelJ's avatar
      Kenner, I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused your Father-law. I know how frustrating it can be when trying to troubleshoot email issues. I am glad to know that the issue has been identified by our Tier 2 Team. I am sorry to hear the ticket was closed without resolution. Has the Tier 2 Team or the Email Server Team been in contact with you or your Father-law regarding the issue?

      Thank you,

      Mike J.
      Cox Support Forums Moderator