Forum Discussion

Rozmdan's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Panoramic WiFi Pods - Frequently going offline.

I got the Panoramic WiFi Pods roughly 3 or 4 months ago and up until a couple of weeks ago they worked perfectly fine.  Lately though, 2 out of 3 of the pods have been frequently going offline throughout the day.  In some cases they go offline within minutes of coming back online.  They usually stay offline for anywhere from 2-5 minutes however sometimes it remains offline until I attempt the re-connection through Cox App.  The 2 pods that are going offline frequently are the ones that I connect to the most.  As a result, when they go down, my internet connection drops as well, which is incredibly inconvenient when I'm working from home and/or in meeting with my coworkers.  Unplugging, waiting, and re plugging them in seems to fix the issue, but it's hit or miss on how effective it is as occasionally, the pods go offline afterwards. 

I worked with one tech support agent over live chat last week and was able to determine that the issue seems to lie with pods themselves, not our internet connection, wires, or router.  However, since during the live chat, the pods were back online, the support representative was unable to investigate any further and requested that I recontact them when the pods go offline again.  Problem with that being as I listed above, they only tend to remain offline for a short time and getting through the queue to get support is usually longer than that period.  

Has anyone else been experiencing this issue with their WiFi pods?  

  • I am experiencing the same exact thing, I don’t own the Pods but my internet has been continually been dropping throughout the day, I game a lot and just tonight my internet has gone offline 4 times in the last 4 hours

  • Hello Rozmdan,

    I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing any connection loss of 2 of the 3 pods throughout the day. I understand it is a short time between the drops for these two pods. How far are these pods from their current location and do you see improvement if they are closer (within 20 feet)?

    If it is only the Pods that lose connection, then perhaps these steps may help for the best signal strength:
    Ensure Pods are visible and not blocked by furniture or other large objects.
    Avoid placing Pods near mirrors, in bathrooms, or around large appliances.
    Picture a line between the Pods and be sure there are no metal objects in between.
    Cox recommends a maximum of three Pods per household.
    Pods increase congestion in MDUs.

    Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • Rozmdan's avatar
      New Contributor

      Good evening Dustin,

      All pod units are visible and not blocked by furniture or any other large object.  Both pods that go offline are within 20 feet of each other and where I connect with them.  This usually makes it so that when one goes down, I automatically reconnect to the other, but when they both go down at once, that solution isn't available.  It's been happening just as frequently now even with the manual restart and unplugging/wait/re-plugging cycle.  

      The pod units themselves all are pretty hot to the touch which leads me to think that perhaps the heat is affecting them but I can't seem to get them to cool down when they're in use and plugged in.  I would think that they have some sort of cooling function built in to them but I'm unsure.  Conversely with a larger portion of people staying home due to the uncertain times, do you think that perhaps it's a combination of the internet usage and pods?

      When time permits,

      • CrystalS's avatar
        Former Moderator
        Hello Rozmdan,

        This appears as if you may need someone to look into your account personally. We would definitely be able to assist you with this. Please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email us at Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started.

        Crystal S. Cox Support Forum Moderator