Forum Discussion

tiredofthis's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Router restarts randomly, Internet outage

My modem/router has been randomly restarting for the past couple of weeks. The weekends are the worst with upwards of 10 restarts throughout the day, each resulting in internet outage. I initially thought it was a problem with the modem/router and replaced it. However, the problem persists. I'm at my wit's end. I'm hoping some experts here could help me sort this out.

Modem/Router model no: Arris TG1682G



  • Hi Tiredofthis, are there any splitters on the coax connection to the Arris TG1682G? Are you able to test a wired connection to see if the connectivity issues continue? (Unplug the power from the TG1682G. Connect a device to the TG1682G with an ethernet cord, and then plug the power back in.) If connectivity issues continue on a device physically connected to the modem with an ethernet cord, I suggest a service call. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • Hi Tiredofthis, are there any splitters on the coax connection to the Arris TG1682G? Are you able to test a wired connection to see if the connectivity issues continue? (Unplug the power from the TG1682G. Connect a device to the TG1682G with an ethernet cord, and then plug the power back in.) If connectivity issues continue on a device physically connected to the modem with an ethernet cord, I suggest a service call. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • tiredofthis's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Becky,

      Thanks for the reply. There are no visible splitters on the coax connection, I tried wired connection previously and the issue persists. I'll follow your advice and put in a service call. 

      - tiredofthis

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        If Becky suspects a faulty splitter but you don't see one, I suggest checking behind the wall plate of the coaxial.

        When I was having signal issues, my troubleshooting led me to remove the wall plate.  I found an old splitter was attached to the segment of cable connected to the wall plate.  The previous owners had a satellite dish so I suspect they just coiled everything behind the wall plate.  When Cox came to connect my service, the tech just connected the output segment to the wall plate and installed another splitter.

        Worth a shot.