Forum Discussion

butteredtoast's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

This is the 2nd day in a row this has happened. What is going on?

I've refreshed my modem literally 6-8 times in the last two days, and every time I take a new speed test, I get a result that looks like this:

I called Tech Support earlier today and was advised there was an outage.  However, that outage was cleared at 4:32 pm today.  I refreshed my modem twice, and still get approximately 9mbps download speeds.

I'm paying for up to 150mbps, and while I realize it might not always be 150, I would expect at least 80-90.  But 9???

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hello, I am including some additional information on ways to improve your overall speeds:

    Are you on WiFi when experiencing these issues? If you're on WiFi, would you be able to hard-wire a laptop or PC directly to the modem and perform another speed test for us? This will help us to determine if this issue is being caused by network congestion and/or insufficient WiFi coverage. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • butteredtoast's avatar
      New Contributor

      I am hardwired.  I just took this test again and it's the same thing.  When I take the test from my cell phone that is connected to my home wifi network, I'm getting about 150mpbs.  I have no idea how to fix this.

      • KevinM2's avatar
        Former Moderator
        How old is your computer or laptop? The age and capabilities of this device, operating system, programs running in the background, etc., can all impact speeds. Have you tried clearing your cookies/cache and rebooting the device? Are multiple web browsers also affected? From what you're describing, it appears that you're experiencing slow speeds on only one device in the home. Please also make sure there are no loose or damaged connections, including splitters or amplifiers. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
  • FrankieFrank's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Is there another PC or laptop that you can test directly to the modem?  NICs can start to do funny things over time.

    • butteredtoast's avatar
      New Contributor

      I finally fixed it.  kevinm2 My laptop is less than 3 years old.  I also switched out all cables, tried turning off wireless, and that didn't work.

      Last night, I ran two spyware and virus scans and found multiple tracking cookies which I deleted.  I deleted a ton of apps from my hard drive.  I adjusted the download speeds for Steam updates.  Still nothing.  I ran Dell support tests since I have an extended warranty through them to see if it was a hardware issue.  No issue, and still no improvement in my download speeds.  I made sure all my Windows updates were current and even then, I was still getting the same result; about 9Mbps download speeds.  I was ready to just throw in the towel and buy a new laptop when I decided to flush my DNS.

      After doing that and rebooting, I finally have this result: