Weird issue with OFDM channel causing disconnects
Hi, last week a storm blew through and a fallen tree took out some cables, resulting in loss of connection. It has been since fixed, but ever since I have been experiencing intermittent internet issues.
My internet connection would suddenly drop briefly, any streaming would be interrupted, all VoIP would disconnect and online games will disconnect immediately.
The connection will be restored immediately (usually within 30s), but this can happen in intervals of 20 minutes to as low as every other minute.
I receive intermittent packet loss when doing a packet loss test.
Troubleshooting so far:
Ever since the initial outage so far, I have replaced my modem 3 times. First was a refurb CM1000, then a new CM1000, now a Arris Surfboard SB200 (I have 500Mbps)
I consistently (every ~5 minutes) see the following message in my modem logs, across all 3 modems (MAC address redacted):
CM-STATUS message sent. Event Type Code: 16; Chan ID: 159; DSID: N/A; MAC Addr: N/A; OFDM/OFDMA Profile ID: 2.;CM-MAC=XXX;CMTS-MAC=XXX;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;"
It would sometimes alternate between Event Type Code 16 and event type code 24. The Chan 159 corresponds to the OFDM channel, and is throwing a lot of correctable codewords (around 10% of total codewords). I will have posted the signal levels and the modem logs as an image to this post
I called tech support and after being on the phone with them for 1 hour, they said they detected intermittent packet loss and could see an OFDM error code on their end
I have requested a tech to come out, but he said that the signal levels are perfect and that the problem is the modem. I am almost 99% sure its not my modem at this point since I have tried 3 of them and all have the same issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.