Forum Discussion

tmagz's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

when can digital voice customers use NOMOROBO,cox has been working on this forever.Al other providers offer customers the serice. What is happening that digital voice customers have to wait?

Digital voice customers want NOMOROBO. Come on Cox, do something about this.

  • Don't get your hopes up once you do get nomorobo... it is not the panacea that some make it out to be.  I have it am still getting harassed by criminals ringing my phone from spoofed numbers.  I'm at the point where I'm seriously considering getting rid of my Cox phone entirely since it functions more as a tool for unknowns to intrude on my peace than it does as a means of communicating- and beyond platitudes and offering technology only after the criminals have figured out how to get around it, Cox isn't going to do one thing to help.  With Friends in the Digital AgeĀ® like this, who needs enemies?

  • Frankly the feature does next to nothing to stop the criminal harassers who employ number spoofing to evade these measures to effect the unwanted interruptions.  I still get dozens of calls weekly. For a time one of the players was spoofing my number.  At this point they're employing local number spoofing.

    My phone was just rung by one of these crooks... my call history shows one missed call and one call that went through- same time stamp- different local spoofs- both listing my town in the ID info.

    I am so f'ing sick of not having any control over what elements can ring my phone and interrupt my peace.  Simultaneous ring is completely ineffective.

    • Thundergod1's avatar
      New Contributor

      Glad to read your post! At least you have been able to sign up for it and check it out. I went to NOMOROBO site to sign up and am still waiting for their email. 

      • Becky's avatar
        Hi Thundergod1, did you check your Spam or Trash folders? Make sure your email Spam setting is not set to automatically delete spam. Change the setting to Mark as Spam and move it to the Spam folder. This will prevent Nomorobo's email from being deleted as Spam, and it will also allow you to look for Nomorobo's email in the Spam folder. I suggest changing your email Spam settings and then go back to and enter your carrier and your email address again. If you still don't receive their email, you can email Nomorobo Support at or -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • nichollsvi's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Move on. I did. Too many promises and they didn't do anything. Sad but I got rid of the TV and have been fine, got rid of the phone.

  • Hi Tmagz, hang in there just a little while longer! You should receive an email from Cox with details about the transition to Cox Voice within just a few weeks. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator