Forum Discussion

catmsfa's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

When is Cox going to implement Stir/Shaken protocols to prevent Fake ID Callers, which are mostly scammers and telemarketers???

The new Stir/Shaken Protocols to prevent Fake Caller ID used by scammers and telemarketers is supposed to go active this week nationally.  My Apple Cell Phone has already implemented it in early June and almost all my SPAM calling had stopped.  But I still get 12-30 SPAM calls a day on my Cox Home Phone.  So, I called Cox Tech Support and they had no idea about the Stir/Shaken requirements for Phone Service.  By Federal Law all large Voice Providers (over 100,000 users residential and business combined) have to start protocols by 30 June 2021.  If Cox Technical Support Personnel don't even know about this new requirement, then is the protocol being implemented or is Cox just blowing off the requirements and claiming they're not a Phone service or aren't technically capable of doing it.  Or better yet, claiming they have less then 100,000 customers (which only requires implementation by 30 June 2023).  I'd sure like to find out what's going on.  Technical Support is clueless.  One Cox Chat Operator knew about the protocols and told me to call Technical Support for help and they know nothing.

6 Replies

  • irvinebob's avatar
    New Contributor

    This has been a constant pain with Cox Residential phone service, even with nomorobo.  Virtually 100% of the scam callers are spoofed to generally disconnected numbers and bogus names.  Like others, we get 5-15 of these irritants each day.

    If Cox has implemented STIR/SHAKEN protocols, its implementation is faulty.

  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    i don't get many, if any spam calls on the home phone because i don't give the number to any websites i visit.

  • Hi catmsfa, we implemented STIR/SHAKEN authentication and verification in 2019. Once the majority of phone companies start signing their calls, Cox will begin displaying Caller ID verification results to our customers. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Thank you,

    Mike J.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • Gary_WO's avatar
      New Contributor

      Well your implementation is not working or flawed  I had 4 calls today. All with fake caller ID and all Indian card services spammers.  Verizon since the deadline I have not had a single call.. I tried NOMOROBO and all it did was break my voice mail to the point of it no longer works even after ending the service.

      • BenS1's avatar
        Former Moderator
        Hi @Gary WO,

        I know how annoying it is to get robocalls. I recommend you activate Nomrobo and once activated you need to log into your Nomorobo account, go to the dashboard, and click on 'Report a Number', once you do that you can report numbers that are getting through the system.

        Ben S.
        Cox Support Forums Moderator