eezy, i was approved for the ebb program. in september, and was advised that the next step to get my monthly benefit was to contact cox, which i did, over and over, by phone, by e-mail, (different reps, various phone numbers, different offices with NO RESULT, until my approval letter expired on dec.20. now the ebb program has ended replaced by a new program (with a lesser monthly payment., )when i could have received the ebb credit until march 1st. i have to wonder, HAS ANYONE BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN RECEIVING A $50 MONTHLY credit through ebb/cox???? cox is regulated by the f.c.c.. i feel my only recourse at this time is to file an official and LEGITIMATE complaint with them. (i kept a thorough record of every contact and conversation.) it's maddening. i think cox invented the term "catch 22."