Forum Discussion

crisco112's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Exceeded data cap discrepancy data usage

Would anyone be able to explain why my router shows a certain amount of data usage (up and down) that is different than what cox reports.

On 3\21 my router showed 10GB of use .  cox is showing 31gb of data used.

  • crisco112,

    Are you using the router manufacturer’s stock router firmware and software and are the router software and firmware versions are current? Please confirm that the date and time on your router is accurate and the correct time-zone is selected.

    Please refer to pages 9 throug 11 of the audit report from Netforecast found at for how to perform an independent meter comparison.
    This document explains that router counts can reset when the device is rebooted and that routers can fail to count new devices on the network.

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Try changing your password to your Cox admin account and see if your bandwidth goes down. A lot of Cox usernames were obtained unlawfully recently, and some of them are being used in hacked DVD/BR players running special software that allows you to stream video from ISP sources directly. This wouldn't normally effect your bandwidth except since the FCC change, Cox now counts any data you download from their server against your cap, EVEN if your not accessing it from a Cox network. IE if someone else is watching ESPN in NY on FIOS with your username/login, the data they stream will count against YOUR cap. I think Cox is trying to smoke screen the whole issue by saying it's a time delay issue or a device issue. Save your BS for somewhere else Cox. Thanks :-)