Forum Discussion

eastcoastg's avatar
New Contributor
4 hours ago

I am at a complete and utter loss...

Since I went back to Cox almost two months ago, I have not one day, yes, not ONE day, had continuous internet coverage.   It simply dies and all my devices lose connection and I have chatted, I have written, I have spoken on the phone and been told yes, I was correct, I have had severe outages and many of them at that.  So many, in fact, they were going to have a supervisor calculate all the down time I suffered and credit me. I asked when and he said within 48 hours.   That was over a week and a half ago. 

Frustrated, I attempted chatting again and demanded a supervisor and EVERY time the chat just sat there, I let it sit a few times and forgot about it to see how long it would stay open, three hours later it was still open and no response.  Not once in all this time have I not only been unable to speak to a supervisor but I have never even been spoken to as to perhaps FINDING THE PROBLEM.   I beg any of you to please help me as to what my next move should be as I am at a complete and utter loss.


Thank you so much!

  • eastcoastg  Hi, sorry to hear that this has been your experience!  Please send an email to, we can help!