Forum Discussion

chaz493's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Is there any way to get the service i pay for?

I'm generally a tolerant person.  I'm not one to complain about a service or meal unless its absolutely horrendous.  Yet here i am, so you know where this is going.

We recently moved to Phoenix AZ from Kansas City MO where we thoroughly enjoyed our Google Fiber internet service (gigabit up, gigabit down, Unlimited data, $70 a month) We had it go down about once in 5 years. Night and day better than your service in every way, probably why you lobbied to keep Google out of Phoenix, but I digress.

Now we have Cox, because that's our only option.  To say we are completely frustrated and angry is a severe understatement.  At first it was annoying how much more we had to pay for worse service.  Gigablast, plus having to pay for unlimited data means a cool $179.00 a month, and only a 30mb upload speed compared to the gigabit we had.  But hey, at least it was mostly pretty stable.  Until this June.  Since then its down nearly every day, often multiple times a day.  What is going on?

I pay 179 a month and for the past 2 months its down ALL THE TIME.  5 times a week, at a minimum.  When it is working, we often get .5mb upload speeds.  This is completely unacceptable.  No bill credits for the horrible service, no discounts.  Just horrible service with no apologies.  Funny how if i don't pay my bill ill get a late fee, but you dont have to pay a fee when you don't provide the service you are supposed to.

I get that you guys have a monopoly and really don't care, but  PLEASE at least fix your service so it functions reliably.  Not only am i having to pay outrageous sums every month for sub par service, but as i work from home, you are literally costing me money.

I've tried calling, I cant ever get ahold of anyone who will help or cares, at best they kick me to chat service with someone in Bangladesh. In fact, right now I'm hot-spotting my phone just so I can log into your forums to tell you how bad your service is and plead with you to do SOMETHING about it.

I'm fully aware you don't care, I'm fully aware you probably wont help me either.  I have no choice but to pay you for your horrible service if i want internet at my house.  But hey, at least I feel a little bit better getting to vent about it. 

6 Replies

  • GGQ's avatar
    New Contributor

    i totally agree with you i have the same issues here, upload speeds are so bad, yesterday I filled a complain with the FCC.

  • CrystalS's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hello @chaz493,

    I'm sorry that you feel this way. I'm here to help. We do care. The purpose of the Cox Internet Forum is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox Cable, Telephone, and High-Speed Internet services with other customers. This appears as if you may need someone to look into your account. We would definitely be able to assist you with this. Please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email us at Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started.

    Crystal S.
    Cox Support Forum Moderator
  • shipracer's avatar
    New Contributor III

    It seems like there are alot of users like this. COX prays on us by pitching upgraded modems and sending techs with hidden fees. I reached out to my neighbors and we are all having the same issue.

    Start With an FCC complaint, FTC complaint wont hurt. 

    The could care less its costs them less to lose the customers that notice/complain then it does to fix it over all.

  • wallabi's avatar
    New Contributor

    yo i cant even play counter strike without rubber banding everywhere with my 170 dollar a month .11 mbs daily upload avg.. i mean they just down graded there 300/30 users to 500/10 lol. i dont think they have any plans on upgrading there stuff.. there just gonna keep taking new clients  when they already have to many active avg usage.

    • shipracer's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Start with an FCC complaint, make sure they know the tactics they are using against consumers. Scamming them into a $10/month fee, new modems, $75 charges etc..

      Anything but troubleshoot their issues.

    • BenS1's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi @Wallabi

      I completely understand the frustration of having poor upload speeds. Some of the readings on your modem look a little unhealthy. Are there any splitters or amplifiers that are connected to the coaxial that is screwed into the back of your modem? If so can you please bypass any splitters/amplifiers and plug it directly into the wall from the modem?

      Ben S.
      Cox Support Forums Moderator