Forum Discussion

flambeau's avatar
New Contributor
3 hours ago

More Upload Rate Issues

Just a week ago I came here to mention my upload rates being unstable and it affecting my Twitch streams.. Well, things went ok for about a week, and now I am getting upload rate issues again for over 24hrs now. 

Upload fine at night, disaster during the day | Cox Community

is my previous post.

This is incredibly frustrating to be paying for internet service that doesn't actually deliver on what you're paying for. I even went up to the unlimited data because I figured maybe I was using too much data with my stream even though I stayed below the 1.25TB default threshold most of the time.

A technician is just going to say my internet looks fine. It does actually work sometimes. But every week or so this issue comes up where the upload rate tanks and I can no longer stream.

Ever since the big downtime and "upgrade" cox performed awhile back there has been nothing but instability and issues. I have no other alternative for my area so I am stuck with cox. Everything seems to be fine except my upload rate is at 4mb when it should be 10, im dropping frames in twitch from network issues and it's beyond annoying to have it work sometimes and then all the sudden pick days where it doesn't want to.

Contacting support they will just reset my modem which I can do via the cox app (it doesn't fix anything). I've tried literally everything to try and make this work and my conclusion is that Cox's network just isn't providing the speed promised. I have a docsis 3.1 modem i upgraded to because of this issue. I don't want to be sold the $15 panoramic nonsense when I have my own modem/router and know how to set them up and use them. 

  • Hello, flambeau. I understand the importance of maintaining a reliable connection as we have all come to rely on our in-home network connections more than ever before. I realize you have reservations regarding having a technician out but that may be necessary in this case. I'm not looking to sell you anything or offer upgrades in service or equipment. I'd like the opportunity to assist you; however, the public forum isn't suited to protect the personal information I will need to do so.  Please reach out to us on Twitter at CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook at, or email us at In private communication, please include your full name, complete address, and details of the issue as this message will not be connected to the communication unless you include the link to it.